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Because I Can

This something i struggle with truly and im wondering it if holds true for others as well. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to explain your actions. The “why did you do it?” And literally the only answer you had was “Because I could!” “Because the opportunity presented itself and I took it”. Nothing more. There was no accumulation of planning. Or aspiration. No wish fulfilment ie something you been wanting to do. No. Just because you could.

There was a guy in my high school that used to say that when ever he was in trouble and it stuck with me. Over the past decade i have found myself in many situation where that was the best answer. But only because explaining the train of thought and events that lead up to this moment would take too long.
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22Michelle · 61-69, T
@silkydrawers Now that's always a good idea.
in10RjFox · M
I relate this as "Soul stripping and frisking". This is the way that they steal ideas or methods by overpowering. Once I got to know of this, I never let someone supervise or interrogate me. I simply subdue them with superior knowledge or ask them how much they know about the subject.
Alorajade · 36-40, F
@in10RjFox i had a situation last year where my choices was questioned by bullies that clearly didnt understand the subject. They wanted to use this case to call me negligent. When i layed it out for them i got such a childish responce that it took all my will power not to laugh in their faces.
in10RjFox · M
@Alorajade that happens quite a lot here too .. often most of them forget that this a written medium and just type like the way they talk. What I do is use their text and point out errors and comment on it. And they just simply delete all of their text .. as it exposes their mind .. 😀😀😀
Snail · 36-40, M
It takes to long as well as causing the person to think about and process the situation. Most of us dont want to deal with things on a deeper level oooorrrrrr they dont care and dont feel like they need to explain, not their buisness.
No. Looking back on moments when I did things just because I could, I don’t think I was ever questioned. I never had to explain myself for it.
22Michelle · 61-69, T
My " explanation" has always been "seemed like a good idea at the time".
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ViciDraco · 41-45, M
I have not really experienced this. I have a bad habit of trying to explain how I arrived at a bad decision. Not as a way to excuse it but to establish that it seemed rational at the time and that I am neither an idiot or cruel. I don't know why i care so much that i don't want people to think those things of me, but I do.
Alorajade · 36-40, F
@ViciDraco I do that too. But there are just situations where i really dont know why I did the stupid thing. And yes it seemed rational at the time but why i dont even know.
I tell people to never question my actions and words, I have my reasons.

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