Vintage lingerieAnyone else like collecting vintage lingerie from the 60's and 70's. Why has sexy lingerie become a thing of the past? (3)
I Love Wearing SlipsI think a slip is the sexiest undergarment one can wear. I love my slip collection and wanted to share some of them here for others who love them as much as I do. (1)
Can't decide which gown.I haven't bought myself any new nightgowns in a very long time. I found these two very cute gowns but can only afford to buy one of them. Both sellers on Ebay are asking around $100. That is way more than I've ever paid for lingerie but I guess it's... See More » (2)
Started A New Youtube ChannelAfer having 3 Youtube channels deleted by Youtube I'm trying again. Hopefully I can keep my videos clean enough to not be deleted or my channel shut down. (1)
Snarled wigsHas anyone who wears wigs ever use this product to straighten and detangle them. I have a number of wigs that are looking really bad and I'm thinking of trying this before buying more new wigs. (1)
Viewing My Posts.I know that the things I'm into are out of the norm and I'm not going to get a lot of comments on my posts. What concerns me is I feel in some way my posts are being censored. Other posts similar to mine in the same forums do get quite a few views... See More »
Do you like wearing silky feminine sleepwear?I have been collecting vintage lingerie for many years and now I'm ready to purge some of it. I have way too many nighties and gowns, many of which I will probably never get around to wearing again. These beautiful nighties and gowns need a new home... See More » (1)
What's your main source for finding content you want to read when logging on to S.W. Poll (1) See Poll OptionsI'm curious as to your main source for finding content to read when you come here. Also I would like to know if your main interest is only in reading... See More »
Tough Love can come back and bight you in the assI've been a strong believer in not giving my kids everything they asked for. On the other hand, their mother would bow to their every need. Today I am faced with extreme loneliness because I was not the ultimate giving parent that my wife is. I may... See More »
WAKE UP AMERICANS!!!I normally don't get political here but, things are getting very scarry in this country. Life as we have enjoyed it I'm afraid may soon be over if people don't wake up and see what's going on with this totally corrupt government we have. The rogue... See More » (1)
This EVP experience blew my mind.I was just lounging by the pool, feeling a little naughty and was videotaping myself. I know to most of you this in it's self is a little strange. Sadly that is why I've had to keep this strange experience to myself, as bad as I wanted to share it... See More » (1)
It is an obsession of mineI've been collecting and wearing lingerie for many years and my collections have grown way too big. (9)
Just bought a new summer dressI was out shopping yesterday and found this cute summer dress. Sadly, winter is setting in and it soon will be too cold to wear it. Thankfully it was warm enough to get out and at least take a couple of photos of it. (1)
Just got my new wigI'm a little disappointed. It really isn't as nice as they pictured it. I didn't pay a lot for it so I'm not too upset. I just wish they would sell exactly what they show. This wig is not as full as my other wigs and the hair is totally straight with... See More » (1)
I Love Wearing Cute NightiesI'm so missing summer right now and want to get outdoors in my cute nighties again. I have so many more I want to model (2)
I love modeling my pretty dressesI've started a new Youtube channel where I will be sharing videos modeling all my pretty dresses. I also can never resist showing off my undergarments. (1)
COVID Vacination Dilemma Poll (27) See Poll OptionsMy father passed away almost 2 years ago. Because of COVIT his cremated remains have not been brought back home for proper burial until now. There is... See More »
Words will never truly explain it.It would be so wonderful to have one true friend who knew how I feel and I could be open with them and not have to worry about getting caught and having to explain why. (4)
Computer repair helpMy desktop computer just died and I have a lot of stuff that I need off of it. I'm afraid to take it in for repair or at least to retrieve my data. The problem is, it's not just my important files but I also have a lot of pictures and videos I would... See More »
Ladies, Do you still wear slips under your dresses? Poll (5) See Poll OptionsIf not, why not? If yes, do you wear full slips or half slips?
3 new dresses [I Wear Dresses and Skirts]I just can't resist buying more dresses. I just bought these 3 new dresses and they make me feel girly and feminine. I wish it was warm out so I could go out and wear them without freezing my tushy off. (3)
Slip or no slipI bought this new dress that has slits up both sides. Is it too risque to wear it with just stockings under it or should I wear a slip? I may need to take better pictures of it. (2)
Just thought I'd ask [I Want to Know What You Think of My Profile Picture]Saw this group and thought it would be interesting to get some comments on my profile picture. Yes it is a picture of me. Don't be nasty! (1)
SW is getting boring [I Need New Friends]I don't need a lot of friends, I only need a few close friends who share my same interests. I have joined 100's of groups, I have made countless posts, and I comment on every post that pertains to subject matter that interests me. All of this seems... See More »