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COVID Vacination Dilemma

Poll - Total Votes: 27
Do you believe getting the vacine or not should be a personal private affare
Do you think others have a right to know if you have or have not been vacinated
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My father passed away almost 2 years ago. Because of COVIT his cremated remains have not been brought back home for proper burial until now.

There is to be a small gathering of family and a few friends to celibrate his life.

An invitation was sent out requiring everyone to show proof of vaccination or a negative test taken in the last 48 hrs. I don't understand why there is still so much fear over COVIT.
Is this never going to go away?
COVIT like the flu will probably be around forever. Thankfully there are treatments and vaccines for both.

Will I soon be required to show proof of having the flu shot?

I personally find this requirement totally wrong and violates my privacy. This has nothing to do with whether I have or have not been vaccinated.

I have not seen my brother or sister in almost 20 years because we live on other ends of the country. I guess it may be another 20 years before I see them.

Do to this demand by my brother I will not be attending my dad's burial and celebration of life get together. I refuse to be required to show my papers as though I live in Natzi Germany.

Do you feel I'm right or wrong in my decision to not attend?
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I have a neighbor who is immuno-compromised. She got the vaccine but it's not clear how much good it did her. And there are millions of Americans with similar conditions. People like that are only protected by herd immunity. So I see it as my civic responsibility to get vaccinated to protect people like my neighbor, especially because, if they do get infected, they are much more likely to die. And it's rather surprising to me that so many people in the "choose life" party are refusing this simple safe step that helps protect the lives of millions of Americans. Yes, I feel your decision is wrong.

BTW, I have traveled a fair amount, including four flights during Covid times. I have to "show my papers" before I can check my luggage. I have to "show my papers" to get thru security to the waiting area. I have to "show my papers" to board the plane. If it's an international flight, I have to "show my papers" to get thru passport control. I have to "show my papers" to pick up my rental car. If "show my papers" is your big objection, it's been that way for a very long time and there is nothing new about it.
If this disease can't force mail in ballots
Conspiracy theories are your religion. Enjoy them!
Oberon1 · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues Yeah......anyone who talked about the Tuskegee Study or Human radiation experiments were laughed at for years, buddy! It's not as bad this time because the deniers are people who I wouldn't even want in my corner anyway!
@Oberon1 Who talked about the Tuskegee Study before it was uncovered? And who uncovered it? Dangers of xrays were discovered in the early 1900s during the first two decades of use.

Update: since oberon refuses to answer, the truth is the New York Times broke the Tuskeegee Study scandal and presented it to the world. That's right, the newspaper the right-wing loves to hate!
jbon85 · 100+, M
My body, my choice and I refuse the vaccination and I won’t have the government force anything on me. They don’t control me. They work for us, we don’t work for them nor shall we bow down to their BS
Oberon1 · 61-69, M
Mandates are obviously a joke! The people legislating the mandates don't take them seriously, why should anyone else? You can tell by the elite's behavior, that mandates on masks and vaccines are just experiments in totalitarianism.
How many people can we fool?
How many people will do whatever we tell them to?
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Taking a test really is quite a quick and simple thing to do. I'd personally take a test if it meant I could grieve with friends and family over a loved one. This way, you wouldn't need to share medical info that you feel is private.

We need to apply some perspective here. These measures for Covid aren't going to last forever; they're going to be temporary until we can factor seasonal covid cases into our routine hospital provision, much like we do flu.

However, Covid is more infectious and more deadly than flu, so it stands to reason that we take extra precautions to save lives, especially in the short term.

Will I soon be required to show proof of having the flu shot?

You already do. It has been a requirement for years to prove you've had certain vaccines in order to take part in certain activities. This isn't new for Covid, and is in no way comparable to Nazi Germany.
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Oberon1 · 61-69, M
@silkydrawers At best it will become endemic. People will be saying, " I have a bit of a covid today." Hmmm hawwww......
@silkydrawers Well, I respect your opinion. I live in England and already life has returned to a semblance of normality. No masks, no distancing, bars and shops all open, people seem to be having fun again.

It'll take some time to heal economically, but I'm starting to feel like we'll get there.
Gusman · 61-69, M
You are right in your decision.
People are becoming manic about Covid. Out of all proportion.
Sure, people will die.
People die everyday.
Time to get over the fear.
I have immune disorders and can't take it but I still won't be forced into something that could cause all sorts of other health issues.
Sorry to say your chances of facing more issues is a lot greater than it is by not taking the vaccine . It’s highly recommended that people with auto immune disorders ,cancers ,neurological issues etc ..take the shot . This virus 🦠,even if you survive it can lead to all sorts of long lasting problems .🙁 Follow the science 🧪. Get the shot please .
I told my grandparents their final years are going to be lonely because they gave me that ultimatum today.
Breaks my heart.
curiosi · 61-69, F
I am in agreement with you.
TexChik · F
It’s unfortunate that it happened but standing up for your freedom now is more important . Far too many lies (and omissions ) have been told by the US government and far too many preferential exemptions granted to allow yourself to be injected .
Adstar · 56-60, M
Getting a vaccination should be a private personal decision..

One should not be forced to divulge their vax status to anyone..

It's called freedom of choice And the right to privacy.. Things that are being attacked by the elites and their dictatorial fascist minded minions of the liberal left..
comfi1 · 61-69, M
I’m not going to tell you that you are right or wrong. You have made a decision and it should be accepted. I had the vaccine as I am clinically vulnerable and have just had a booster. I will also have the flu jab for the same reason.
Randie · 61-69, T
I would not have attended. I've had the vaccine but feel that's my choice. It's not due to fear, I have a couple of health issues as does my wife so we got the vaccine her surgeonrecommended. Its my understanding that if I do get COVID it won't be as bad.

I have nothing against people that do not want to get it. I respect their decision. Your body your choice.

My brother, a year younger and unvaccinated has been in ICU on a ventilator for 3 or 4 days now.
Longleggedlady · 31-35, F
It is sad that you won't be there at your dad's burial
But it is pretty much for the foreseeable future going ng to be a requirement to show proof of vaccination to do a lot of things. Covid is going to be around for a good while and will continue to mutate it is more like a cold than the flu in that way as it mutates far quicker.
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PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
As with anything in life we all make choices and with those choices come consequences. I don't have a problem showing that I am vaccinated because it is like buying alcohol or entering a bar or voting and showing an ID.
carpediem · 61-69, M
I agree that showing proof of the jab is wrong. But getting a test is certainly acceptable and makes sense. Family is important. Don't screw it up. You're safer showing test results because the vaccine is no guarantee you won't get China virus.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@jbon85 Of course
jbon85 · 100+, M
@carpediem that’s why. Red states won’t force the vaccination passports to do anything. If people can’t see all democrats wanna do is control everyone and everything, they’re truly blind as fuck. They call trump Hitler but biden and the democrat dingleberries are the ones fucking things up
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YoMomma ·
i think they are being total buttheads about the so called virus.. i don't think its anything more than the common flu and they exaggerated the hell out of it for political reasons..

sorry for your loss and that people are being that way.. its bs
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YoMomma ·
☺️ @silkydrawers
It's entirely your choice, I am fully vaccinated and I do test regularly, not because of myself but for my daughter’s sake, she's very young still. As someone else has commented here, it's our body our choice and other illnesses take lives but do not require testing. The flu vaccination can be for the wrong strain, therefore it's not garauteed to protect us and I haven't bothered again this year to have it. So with that in mind, I am potentially risking lives because I haven't had the flu vaccination. 🙄
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@silkydrawers Of course I am! However since before the pandemic, segregating peeps with or without a vaccine was never an issue. I've had it in the past but now I put other peeps before me, those that are clinically vulnerable that have a higher risk of serious implications,plus I'm saving the economy in my country for not having it, especially since of the economic loss. WTF are you to tell me to follow the fucking science when you clearly are not and contradicting your own post. I am evidently keeping my daughter safe for having the vaccine. I never inferred anything about my daughter’s risk of serious harm if she did indeed catch covid, obviously children are more resilient to it and I never implied they weren't. If I do however and I die, that's hardly very responsible of me is it?! You're not thinking outside of the box. How dare you purport an assumption on how I do/do not deem necessary for my daughter! Because that would be incinuating abuse!! FYI no I do not and even if I had that's an utterly ridiculous notion in itself, seems as governments at the start of the pandemic were in fact advising masks on kids! Come on.... FOLLOW THE SCIENCE!! I actually agreed with you, Hence, 'It's entirely your choice'. Haven't you just made yourself the fool! and I'd be very careful in future before you imply abuse you sick fuck!! BLOCKED
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