🎶I Will Survive,Hey,Hey...🎶(I hope)Well, I guess I'm on to a new doctor already. I just started with this one in October. After trying to communicate with this doctor for over a week,for different reasons, and last night's low (64) without any guidance or help or direction as what... See More »
🎶You know You Got To Make Up Your Mind ...It's not Always Easy and It's Not Always Kind..🎶Warming up in MI and as much as I am loving it, my report from the diabetic educator is giving me a different kind of bright sunnshiney day.😊 She took the information off my meter and was very pleased. More than pleased visibly bubbly over it.... See More »
🎶Whooah, we're half way there- Livin on a prayer- Take my hand and we'll make it I swear🎶Going off the short acting insulin and increasing my night time long acting insulin. Means only one belly poke instead of up to 4 a day.👍 Off the Glipized! 🙂 The side effects of mounjaro are lessening,but could come back on Sunday with the next... See More »
🎶You can't always get what you want But if you try sometime you'll find You get what you need🎶Still having the nausea ,but its lessening. My sugars did go down to a better level and stayed there; so,I think ,this medicine is helping to do that. I hope the side effects don't get any worse and that my body adjusts to the medicine. I have a... See More »
🎶I'm So Dizzy My Head Is Spinning 🎶Started the mounjaro today. As expected I had some nausea and dizziness. Not much fun,but the sugar levels are coming down and holding at a normal level,at least right now. I have to take it easy on carbs and some vegetables for now. Once my body is... See More »
I actually got more caught up on my journal.I have three or four journals, one I made more interesting by adding movies I've seen, sports teams I like, and some music. Later, I'll look more for inspiration for some goals I want to work on.
🎶I Had A Bad Day 🎶Fairly crappy day our van is considered a total loss ,it will be paid off, but,we will be down to one car. At least a lot less money will be going out a month for now. My blood sugar went down to 53, as well, lucky I didn't pass out. Took 4 glucose... See More »
🎶What I feel has come and gone before- No need to talk it out (talk it out) -We know what it's all about🎶Depression It's here again And I can't seem to shake it Between the rigid diet ,constant changes of how to deal with high morning numbers, lack of energy, having gained weight despite not falling off the diet wagon, and the emotional termoil of... See More »