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What happens when a non-spiritual person takes DMT or LSD?

Ynotisay · M
That's a really good question. In my experience, you know it's the drugs that are in control and it opens you up to the idea that our brains are capable of much more than we recognize in a non-induced state. I'm not religious or spiritual and hallucinogens didn't impact that at all.

I do think if you're looking for some type of spiritual encounter then you'll have it. It definitely lends itself to that. When trees start breathing it's a pretty easy jump to that. But if you go in to it as if you were just taking a ride, you'll be able to distinguish between reality and drug-induced reality.

Either way, you want to have your head on straight before you step off. It can be scary for some and that will build on itself. But if you're open to it, do it in a safe, stress-free place, it can be a very positive experience.

And personally, if you're interested and haven't done it, I'd suggest mushrooms first. I think that's the best introduction to hallucinogens.
Ynotisay · M
@Thodsis Thanks man. I'll assume we approach it the same way. :) Not everyone does. This whole thing with retreats and guides is something I just can't wrap my head around.
Thodsis · 51-55, M
@Ynotisay The 'retreats and guides' experience is something that can be sold to others.

White clothing and flowered head bands make good internet pictures.

Drained faces at 5 am outside a 24 hour garage don't make such good pictures...
Ynotisay · M
@Thodsis 👍
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
I remained non spiritual but had a great time
@CountScrofula I'm not sure what's meant by "non-spiritual." I'm not at all religious, but I appreciate the beauty of the world and of the universe and to me that appreciation is spiritual. By my definition anybody that can be moved by art or beauty is spiritual. I don't know if it's possible to still be human if you're truly "non-spiritual." Anyway, my non-religious self had a spiritual experience on acid decades ago.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@ElwoodBlues Spirituality is a nebulous term but to me it means a connection with reality in a way that's greater than our primary senses - and importantly the notion that you can channel that connection through meditation, ritual, crystals, whatever else is your bag.

And it's just never done anything for me. But drugs are fun and introspection is healthy so I'll take that.
@CountScrofula No need for crystals or rituals or mantras when we have the Hubble Ultra Deep Field and similar images. The full resolution image is said to contain about 25,000 galaxies of about 100 billion stars each; scattered like grains of rice in the cosmos. Contemplating it gives me a deep sense of wonder outside the primary senses.

AdaXI · 41-45, T
I usually just listened to some banging acid techno music and smoked a shed load of weed, lolz.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Possibly a bad trip, to hazard a guess.
Laffytaffy · 22-25, F
DMT helped me see that everything is connected and that everything is recycled energy, I saw visuals of mathematical patterns and fractals and seeing nature coming to life.
Depending upon the person's background, he or she might be more likely to understand that, by modifying the biochemical soup in which your brain sits, you are (obviously) quite likely able to affect its function.

We know alcohol--a poison trying to shut down the CNS--can alter perception. That's not the same as saying that those altered perceptions are correct.
SeaGlass · F
They reach a state of neutrality between not being spiritual and being spiritual. They let go of such defining concepts
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
I dunno. I think I would just watch cartoons lol
Convivial · 26-30, F
They see things....
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
Never had an issue 😅
they become spiritual.
Panamared · 70-79, M
They get high
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