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smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Never started
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TH3S10GUY1 · M
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
I was misled into smoking a cigarette when I was 14 and I nearly got expelled from school 🥺
fireandice69 · 61-69, M
i started at 13 in 1968 when it was the "cool" thing to do , the marlboro man, the "ide rather fight than switch" commercials., they all promoted subliminal ideas that it made females sexier and it made males cool and more manly . it wasn't until years later that the health concerns were pointed out but due to the not just the nicotine but the additional addictive chemicals the cigarette companies added it only made it harder and harder for most people to quit. i smoked kool 100's for 30 years. i finally made up my mind to quit in dec of 1998 . it was not for the health aspect, i just got pissed off with the two price increases that month. 73 cents a pack the first week and then another 63 cent increase the third week. it was now costing me more for a pack that it cost me for a whole carton in the mid 70's. i bought 7 packs on new years eve and said when the last cigarette was gone i was done with smoking. they lasted till the evening of the next day. i have not had a cigarette since that day.
TH3S10GUY1 · M
@fireandice69 you smoked 3 1/2 packs of the LONG cig's a day ? ........ damn thats like one right after another, one matchstick a day, light the rest of the cigarettes for the day off of tge one before it.

Dont see many non filtered smoker's today but i remember seeing these people, their fingertips were brown and stinky from tar.
Fluffybull · F
Never smoked cigarettes.
@Fluffybull glad you never did, its hard to quit!! At least it is for me!! 😑
Fluffybull · F
@SW-User I imagine it must be. Good luck! 👏🤗
@Fluffybull yeah, i need all the luck i can get!! 😂🍀
14, i need to quit totally. Im trying to cut back now!!
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
17....but I quit after a short time.
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
I’ve never smoked 🙂
AngelofFail · 26-30, F
tried it at 15... then i got my ass whipped into the oblivion and never touched them again
1olderguy20 · 61-69, M
@AngelofFail you get the belt for that
AngelofFail · 26-30, F
@1olderguy20 you could have propably light a cigarette on my buttcheecks after my dad was done with me
@AngelofFail Been there.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
17, found an unopened pack of Nat Shermans at a music festival. My parents had smoked my whole life and I never liked the smell of their or my friends cigs. Nat Shermans were the first fancy ones I'd had and they actually didnt taste awful. LOL kids like me are totally the reason no one gets to have flavored cigarettes anymore.
@Starcrossed I have smoked Nat Sherman's before too. I think they still sell them in major convenience stores
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@SW-User they do but I think not all the flavors that they used to. And their hint of mint has to be menthol now.
TH3S10GUY1 · M
Boy was I dumb.
I went to the drugstore with a note from my father for HIS cigarettes.
A friend got me into trying smoking,
I wrote my own notes and I bought a DIFFERENT pack everytime, tried ALL the brands in sight.
I remember an older teen told me to inhale once, I was not inhaling the smoke for a long time before this.
I should of got my ass beat, I wasted all that money smoking.
Christina · 31-35, F
Tried it at 14. But started smoking daily at 18 I think
i don't smoke
NotJamieM · 46-50, M
Never started.
4 the first time I tried a cigarette. It was gross. 13 when I started smoking regularly the first time, then 16 or 17 when I smoked for the next 20 years
Torsten · 36-40, M
16. Started smoking when I had my first full time job and seen how many smoke breaks the other staff got and I wanted in on that
I don’t smoke but I first tried one when I was about 10 or 11 maybe a little younger honestly lol
subhubby · 56-60, M
I have never smoked cigarettes. I tried it once or twice as a teenager and hated it.
I was 23 but in the process of quitting now
daddybloke · 46-50, M
around 11 thinking i was cool what a clown
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
21 and old enough to have known better.
eyeno · M
About 11..,
Wish I never started..,
Degbeme · 70-79, M
14-15 I think. Still smoking.
15 I quit inmy early 20's
@SW-User cerealz?
@SW-User si
Babygirl12296 · 26-30, F
14 years old
Applepiedom · 56-60, M
@Applepiedom I've been quit 22 yrs though
Shaveit · 61-69, M
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
Dino11 · M
Six years old, smoking Camels, with my best friend, hiding behind our huge elm tree.
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
I was 14, I stopped two weeks later and have never smoked since.
Sally57 · 61-69, T
Around my 16th birthday. But i have stopped smoking since 1994
22, kind of late but it fit my purposes
11.. I was smoking weed first though
Nebula · 41-45, F
18 I quit a few years ago
jehova · 31-35, M
1st one at 7
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TheLordOfHell · 41-45
21. And only to enhance the weed buzz
I first smoked a cigarette at 12. My older cousin gave me a pack of Gauloises. It never became a habit, though. I haven’t smoked anything since about 1990.
empanadas · 31-35, M
Never started.

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