I liked the way his notes blew away as he stepped up to the podium. No love lost from my perspective. Now he can take his villainous ways and sink back into a nice fat pension. Thanks to you and me and our generous tax donations.. GTFO (his timing could have been better as we transition to a new US government with nothing in place here for a few months)..
@Lilymoon Yup... And now we have pensioners stripped of cold weather payments (they're having to go to community warm places just to be warm for a few hours a week before they return to their cold homes) and people with terminal cancer being told that they've got to go to work.
Can you imagine being terminally sick and having to lug yourself and your oxygen supply across town once a week to talk to someone about what you are doing to find work??? This because your government won't accept the word of your doctor, who is employed by them to treat you because they think that you are threatening your doctor to say that you are too sick to work.
It’s going to be an interesting year …. Let’s hope the US is not truly considering us on their monopoly game board. Looking for my get of of jail card now🥸