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The Necessity of Blocking People

I don't know what is going on in the year 2024 but it seems like blocking certain individuals either for a few days or forever honestly is the best thing some people can do in my opinion.

Has anyone sensed hostility lately amongst others or is it just me? I am just saying it might be due to the inflation within USA, but it seems like most don't genuinely care or consider others unless they need something from them. All I hear majority of the days especially on social media is "Send $ to my cash app/PayPal." people boasting themselves while belittling others or causing drama. Other than that others are discarded but where are the people who check in to ask "Hey how's it going?" or "Hey are you ok?" Most can't do that because look at what most of the world has turned to.

Money hungry fiend zombies on the urge for survival. Smdh

When is society going to win as a whole?
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iamnikki · 31-35, F Best Comment
100% agree. I've been without social media since January.
I can certainly do without, I don't miss it.
At one point, I had it just so that I stay aware of events and things going on in and around my city.
I'm sure I'm missing a few events by not logging on because of the groups I was apart of, but I have my email set up to receive event info from around town.
People diffidently don't care for one another anymore.
I've taken a step back from alot of things, and some people, even in real life.
Doing alot of speaking up for myself too. Tired of people.
"If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything"...that's what my mom used to say when I was growing up.
I'd be glad when morals and values come back. Sick of today's standards.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@OpalFlower exactly! On SW, I'm not being bombarded with pictures, memes, videos, life updates from people etc.

On SW, I have to click on what I want to see/open. It's not the same, and that's why I'm here.

RedBaron · M
@iamnikki Fair enough.
in10RjFox · M
@OpalFlower It's a world for the daring and fittest. Yes, Online is a barrage of words and many kinds of people dwell here for many purpose. Many come here to escape isolation and loneliness in real life. One can achieve nothing by cursing online, for it has become the way of life. Yes, one can be without social media, but it is the boredom real life that pushed them into social media.

So it's like you are in a war zone and there are many who find their own private company and have their long distance / short distance friendships in private.

There is no use becoming agitated the way the streets are in the bazaar. Finish your shopping and get private. But there are those who love street fights and squabble, as they find solace in hurting and demeaning with their words and develop their slander skills.

While the fittest survive, the unfit retire into isolation.

in10RjFox · M
Yes.. it's a global mayhem and chaos and unrest. Internet has become a begging medium as people are fighting for livelihood each day. Either love starved, sex starved, or money starved. Indication that the era is coming to an end and it's getting worse as governments are losing control of the world.

This society is rotten and in the verge of perishment. Time for newer religion and societies.

There is nobody out there who is worried about the future. So the individual has to change and strive for a newer future.
Punches · 46-50, F
I do not know if it has gotten worse or not. Real life or the web.
I know when I was younger like 30 years ago, people would often treat me like something the just scraped off their shoe. I never understood why but these days, I avoid unnecessary interactions with anyone in real life. Sometimes people try to talk but I just acknowledge and quickly break contact.

With web stuff -

All I hear majority of the days especially on social media is "Send $ to my cash app/PayPal."

Because a lot of people on social media think they are going to get rich.

There are stories about people who got rich making pimple popping videos or of some 10 year old kid making millions of dollars because he or she has videos about opening presents.
So now anyone who can wag their tongue about anything OR do menial tasks thinks they are going to make it big.

By The Way - the fact that youtube pays a fortune to some channels that have mindless content - that reason alone is why I do not buy "premium".

people boasting themselves while belittling others or causing drama.

Seems like that sort of speech on the web in the quickest way for some of them to make it big.
I know there are a few youtubers who are particularly bad about that.
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Jayciedubb · 56-60, M
...right? Im to the point where i no longer ask anyone how they're doing. I keep it simple with hi or hello, and if anyone asks me how I'm doing, I assume it's because they want me to ask them how they are doing, so I just say I'm fine, then I change the subject. It sucks because i like to help people but i hate feeling used more. The only people I help these days are the ones who are around during the bad times and the good times, not just their bad times or to capitalize on my good times

As for social media, I don't really have much. I don't have Instagram or Twitter or SnapChat or tik tok. I haven't posted or commented anything on Facebook since 2016. I get my social fix in the comment sections of YouTube, on Quora, Reddit, here, I think that's about it.
val70 · 51-55
When is society going to win as a whole? Well, try not being thinking of the self first. That's a really good start
Primnproper · 56-60, F
It’s a tense time especially in politics so emotions are running high.
I personally don’t block but that’s because the ones that give the grief I have no feeling toward so they have no affect on me. It only affects me if I care. Luckily I can stay calm switch off and just bore them to death till they give up. Then they never bother in the future. I don’t believe in this cancel culture we seem to be adopting. Although if it does affect your mental health then yes block.
Midlifemale · 61-69, M
I stay away from social media and watching news on TV...everyone seems to have their own agenda and interest and opinions and I don't really care to see ANY of that lately.
And the scammers trying to get your private info so they can rob you blind. They will lie and tell you anything just so you can divulge your personal information....how cruel this world has become.
RedBaron · M
It’s been that way for years. What’s so different about this year?

So melodramatic.
OpalFlower · 36-40, F
@RedBaron The Earth has been around for a long time and I probably guarantee it that the planet Earth we live on may outlive you and I sir(unless otherwise where I have my own theories about the soul and Earth). That being said you claim it has been that way for years but you have only been on earth how many years sir? From the year you were born til now. What is so different? Like literally think about it. What is it that we are using to communicate? Technology? Bingo! What is the word origin of inflation,cashapp,paypal, and struggle?

Last time I checked I don't think the Native Americans back then experienced what is going on within this century to this extent until so and so came traveling along bringing.......(won't go into history time)
RedBaron · M
@OpalFlower I don’t know about that. The native Americans (some I’ve met self-identify as Indians) haven’t been treated very well by Caucasian people going back about 400 years.
Muting usually suffices unless they reach number one on my “gets on my nerves” hit parade.
4meAndyou · F
When I think of society as a whole, I realize that the loudest, and most objectionable individuals are a minority. I would say that only about 1/3 of people in the world are disgusting.

BECAUSE they are often so nasty, and their words and presence "smell" so badly I am forced to block them on SW. I have been known to call myself "The Queen of Block", in fact.

Blocking, IMO, creates a more peaceful website. We can then enjoy our experiences online without being inundated with negativity.

I don't like to project the behavior of these few onto the entire world.
im just too lazy..
they really bad ones block themselves...
🙌 agree
Wizardry · 46-50, M
Agree have had to block people when they become annoying etc
HumanEarth · F
I don't block anyone

I think blocking
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Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
Hard to determine that based on how things are currently, staying in survival mode is best

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