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What’s wrong with Suicide?

Poll - Total Votes: 18
It’s ok
It’s bad, & I’ll comment why below
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Why do people consider Suicide wrong? Or otherwise treat it like a sickness and bad thing. I don’t think it always is.

This isn’t a disease although most things that end in death are considered a disease or injury.
This is me standing up for what I truly want and believe , who I am.
I don’t want to play this game. Games are elective and I do not consent.
I wish I was never born, or Someone or thing should have stopped me before I reproduced. I so want to check out but can’t without my kids blessing. I truly wish they would all just say “it’s ok. You can go we’ll be fine.”

I want permission to be suicidal or better yet permission to be dead. Thanks

Maybe I’ll say I’m going on a trip…
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OldBrit · 61-69, M
Having trained as a psychotherapist at one point where there was always this mantra about allowing the clients complete autonomy I found it odd that if they were seriously considering suicide as a therapist I was duty bound to expose that and inform others breaking our agreement of total confidentiality.

But surely complete autonomy should include whether they end their life or not?
OldBrit · 61-69, M
@DoubleRings I'd say it wasn't something they could stop. It would be in the original contract we agreed anyway. Likewise GP details when they signed up for therapy. They could lie but then.... There's a whole course of therapy about why you're lying to your therapist before you start therapy?
DoubleRings · 51-55, F
@OldBrit actually I remember when I went to marriage counselling - something like that was mentioned. She said everything is confidential unless she felt one or both of us were in danger. To that I was thinking one would hurt the other or something but didn’t think it could also mean me hurting myself.
OldBrit · 61-69, M
@DoubleRings that's normally the wording used but the most common breach of confidentiality is suicidal concerns.
its an abrupt ending to someones story often for reasons or circumstance that begin to change soon after they are gone. Most people have very solid reasons to live and keep going, but when you cant see them, you assume it's fine. It's rarely fine. I cant say never, because absolutes often make any statement untrue. There are always options we don’t know about.

And who says you have to like life or be happy? If you see it as a game, maybe stop. Find a better way to reason through this garbage.

Ending your own life is undeniably heartbreaking for those who care about you, and devastating for those who love you deeply. But I get it—sometimes, it feels impossible to see beyond the walls of your own pain. Yet, the impact we have on the lives around us by the choices we make really do matter. It cuts a life short that was going to impact another and now those others have to wait for different opportunities. We impact each other.

And maybe it’s because of a lot of poor influences on yourself that you are in this moment. You might only need a change in perspective to completely change your life. You dont have to live in misery. And because you do, that doesn’t mean you have to end this life, you do need to end how you live this life.

Some turn to religious reasoning for comfort or understanding, but not everyone sees it that way. Sure, suicide is tragic, but how is it so different from accepting death when it comes knocking? The circumstances may differ, but the result is the same.

Still, the journey in between—the impact you make, the growth you experience, and the people you touch—carries meaning. Sometimes, it’s worth holding on just a little longer to see what might change.
@nonsensiclesnail You make some good points. But I'm still of the opinion that suicide is an acceptable way of leaving this physical reality. We're all going to leave at some point. Some leave right after they're born, some within a few months or years, some after several decades. The method by which one leaves, doesn't matter. We're all eternal beings creating our own realities. And when people leave earlier that those around them expected them to, and their loved ones are angry about that, it just means they don't understand the person who decided to leave just went about their leaving in a more deliberate way than others usually do. And I see nothing wrong with that.

People should have the right and freedom to do what they wish with their own lives.
Stuffy · 61-69, F
@nonsensiclesnail Thank you very much for taking the time to share your thoughts. I got busy talking with a few people and then had to do some things. I didn’t get around to reading this until now. I agree with you about absolutes, and the need for purpose and not having one leaves a person feeling so empty and that personal growth through struggles is a consideration.
Thanks again
There are circumstances under which I can understand it; suffering a painful, debilitating and ultimately terminal illness, for example. But I have known even people facing that who opted to hang on to the end. Still, I support physician-assisted suicide so that one has a choice.

On the other hand, I also had friends (and relatives) who took their lives facing problems for which counseling and time might’ve made a difference. I personally attempted suicide after I lost my husband and our son to a car accident. My mother found and saved me. I was grateful in time, but I will always regret that that was among the memories of me she eventually took to the grave. 😞

People who suicide can’t know the devastation they leave behind, or even the good things they miss. One dear friend who took her life in 2006 will never know that another of our group missed her so much he followed her a year later.
The rest of us rallied to help her children recover. And today, she has a granddaughter who looks just like her.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
It would be great if you could have a leaving party. In all seriousness, just a little get together so you could hug them and say bye properly.

As a rule though, I discourage everyone apart from myself from suicide.. Cause families are devistated and its a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@bijouxbroussard Yes I believe in Jesus. It is generally discouraged. Sorry that you lost your faith.
Stuffy · 61-69, F
@Matt85 I don’t know if there is a verse that actually says it’s a sin, is there? I think it’s just generally implied with the worship
@Matt85 Don’t be, I just gained a different perspective. 😔
4meAndyou · F
Suicide isn't only a sin against God, who gave you this great gift of life, and who, like any loving parent, keeps hoping you will enjoy it and learn wonderful things and grow from it so that when you enter the next life your spirit will be much more beautiful and strong.

It is also a sin against your family and friends. You give NO thought to what THEY will suffer, and the harm you will do to THEM when you leave in that horrible way.

Your thoughts are poisoned. Your thoughts are immature. I once had a thought like that...I was so angry that my mother had given birth to me...because she really made me suffer. But as I grew, even though parts of my life were absolutely horrible, I learned that there is incredible joy in the world. The beauty of nature alone is enough to make me want to fly, and sing!

My Uncle committed suicide. When I was 11 years old, I had a sort of psychic fore-knowledge that he wasn't going to be there the following year. And he wasn't. He was my dark haired handsome Uncle. I had a little girl sort of crush on him. But I was too young to know that he was also very badly wounded after Iwojima. He was in a lot of pain all the time, and suffered from PTSD. He received NO mental health help whatsoever from the V.A., because in those days, mental health issues were considered shameful.

He was also self medicating with alcohol. He became a drunk. He would come home drunk, shouting to his wife to let him in, and she wouldn't...not when he was drunk. Once, he was hollering out on the lawn below her kitchen window, and she took her pan full of dirty dishwater and threw it on him to sober him up.

Eventually the drink and lack of medical care took their toll, and he took his shot gun and shot himself in the head while sitting out in the yard in his pickup truck. His young sons found his body.

Imagine the horror of that.

He abandoned his wife and THREE young children. His daughter, the youngest, was only 13 at the time. His wife had to sell their house after paying for his funeral, and they had to move. She had to go to work, and her children had to raise themselves.

You had best believe that his family did NOT remember him fondly. He became a name that no one ever mentioned. My Aunt, his sister, only mentioned him once, when I asked why no one ever talked about my Uncle, whom I had loved. I had no idea she was SO angry. She told me that my Uncle was the most SELFISH person she had ever known.

And YOU. YOU want to torture your kids by asking permission. SELFISH doesn't begin to describe it. It's MONSTROUS.
in10RjFox · M
@4meAndyou how different is suicide as compared to dying,? Why is dying by accident or murder a sin ?
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@4meAndyou you have said a mouthful 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 thank you for sharing that. People do not realize the toll and turmoil that they put on those left behind. You leave a destruction of lives in your wake like the worst hurricane imaginable.
Carazaa · F
🤗 Please. It will destroy your families lives forever! Please Don't do it. You can be happy! You can take one day at a time, take good care of yourself. There are antidepressants like Prozac. There is volunteering, or helping out at a school, etc. Count your blessings. You could change your life if you hate yours.
Stuffy · 61-69, F
@Carazaa I’ve been on Prozac for 20 yrs
easterniowegin · 51-55, M
I'm ok with the idea of euthanasia for incurable conditions that can save prolonged suffering and reduce the expense of lengthy care. But I don't like the idea of suicide as a way of escaping a mental health situation that can otherwise be cured.

Everything is relative. We have created such a luxurious and relatively easy existence for most people which has weakened the disposition and mental being of too many people. Many are unwilling to accept any adversity or hard work in their lives nowadays, or use social media to unfairly compare their lives to others.

They say in a society, weak people create tough times. We seem to be in this stage of societal evolution. Tough times will eventually create strong people...
Stuffy · 61-69, F
Mental health situation that can be cured? What if it can’t be cured? You know many of them are incurable.
And I think I said that not wanting to live shouldn’t be considered a mental illness.

Weak and strong people? Based on what criteria? Why do you think wanting to live is a strength?

I do agree with what you say about these easy times have changed people. But I would not judge them for it and say it’s weak. I think the human animal has reached its limit and is going to self destruct. I do not know about the human soul.
@easterniowegin Mental illness can be cured how??? By sticking the mentally ill on pills for the rest of their lives???

If I'm deaf and I choose to wear hearing aids, I'm still deemed to be deaf regardless of if I am wearing hearing aids or not.

If I am mentally ill, I'm still deemed to be mentally ill regardless of if I'm taking medication or not.
Will you leave this earth without saying goodbye, will you check to make sure your kids are financially stable, are independent and happy in their own lives. Suicide is selfish but assisted suicide is different but still upsetting. If you’re not otherwise dying of a health condition, work on getting better and enjoy what time you have left on this planet.
Stuffy · 61-69, F
@Gingerbreadspice I wouldn’t leave without making sure my kids are ok. That’s the only thing been keeping me here for a long times. Them and my sister.
Stuffy · 61-69, F
And if it’s ok and a personal choice then why do people get hospitalized and drugged to stop them from doing it? To fix them, to fix their thoughts about not wanting to live.

But Not wanting to live isn’t wrong. It just goes against our nature. A nature that I reject.
in10RjFox · M
Good question that has no answer. Many crimes similarly have no answer since the one committing it is just not bothered.

So the problem is in how the right & wrong gets established as the right dominates the not so right and pushes them into doing wrong as per books.

But in a democracy there must be a way for someone to surrender and say "I wish to stop living" and enter the wilderness.

NQA last resort
val70 · 51-55
Plenty of good advise already, so I'll only say that you're not the first nor will be the last. Posting it on SW, I mean mainly. EP was much better that way too
val70 · 51-55
@Stuffy I know. Met you before
Stuffy · 61-69, F
@val70 please refresh my memory of how you met me?
Stuffy · 61-69, F
@val70 well?? That’s weird. I guess you didn’t like me then and still don’t. Ok
Jonjdw · 51-55, M
Yes, it’s frowned upon life is supposed to be a gift. Have you told your children about your desire to die?
Stuffy · 61-69, F
@Jonjdw Not lately. I mean they are between 35-20yr. The have all witnessed some of my chronic bipolar- manic-depression and probably heard me say it but probably didn’t take it seriously. Now that I’m older I’m serious.
Jonjdw · 51-55, M
@Stuffy I remember my dad saying he was ready to die when I was like young teens. I didn’t know what to think about it.

I think he said it because he was just tired of struggling with life. And maybe some depression my mom had depression.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
I don't think it's about being wrong as much as it's about being selfish. If you felt that way then why even bring kids into the world? You said yourself that you wish someone would have stopped YOUR birth, but yet you brought them into the world, when YOU could have prevented theirs, hence, selfishness!
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@Stuffy you mean the grown ups that are contemplating suicide? Okay 🙄
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Stuffy · 61-69, F
@AngelUnforgiven as if that makes them less grown up? How close minded can you get? But no you missed again. Many of the answers are not from suicidal people. Really. Do better
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
They say it’s wrong for a few reasons. One is the pain and agony you will put on your loved ones when they find out. If you have any. However if you are an adult and that’s what you decide after all resources have been exercised. Then you will do what you think is right 🤷🏾‍♂
Stuffy · 61-69, F
@in10RjFox so you do not believe people can love?
in10RjFox · M
@Stuffy that's not what I meant.. since he said some people have loved ones which also means not all have loved ones.. so I asked what about the all minus the some?
Stuffy · 61-69, F
@in10RjFox 🤷‍♀
There's absolutely nothing wrong with suicide. There is no death. Your life is your consciousness, and consciousnesses survives physical death.

It's how I plan to leave this world.
@Stuffy One day, I will. And, I know.
Stuffy · 61-69, F
@PhoenixPhail I hear you. I’m very sympathetic for you and your struggles. If you want to talk more about it I’m here to listen and I care.
@Stuffy That's very sweet of you. Thank You. 🫂
Bumbles · 51-55, M
Depends…can be very selfish or kind.
Stuffy · 61-69, F
@Bumbles you said something else first didn’t you? Lol
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@Stuffy I did, but thought perhaps I was misreading your tone, and even if I wasn’t perhaps you were in distress. My apologies.
Stuffy · 61-69, F
@Bumbles I get it. It’s cool. Tough topic
Whenever you choose to make your transition (we create our own reality), it will be the most glorious trip of your (eternal) life. You'll finally be home, and you won't want to return.
Stuffy · 61-69, F
@PhoenixPhail I’m aware and agree they are pretty convincing. The fact they are the so similar used to be a selling point for me. Now I think science can explain that. And I think that the sense of eternity of the spirit could be an illusion experienced in the ‘not completely dead yet’ phase. So I still have no clue what eternity might be.
@Stuffy Nope. You're going the wrong way with it. The one thing science cannot explain, is consciousness. NDEs are experienced long after there is no brain function, whatsoever.

@Stuffy [media=]
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
So lets look at when suicide IS wrong...When you have responsibilities to family and loved ones and you are looking to escape them. Thats always wrong. And it makes you a coward.. And when you believe yourself to be punishing someone else by dying. Thats not just wrong. Its stupid as well. Even if does upset the intended person, you wont be there to see it..
Finally, religion has a lot to answer for here; making you believe that somehow there is a turn of the page. You have one life to live and this is it. Handle it with care. There are no refunds..😷
Stuffy · 61-69, F

Maybe it’s not like another side with a definite separation. I’ve heard some very convincing stories: spirits that leave the body, travel anywhere and come back into the body with information gained that turned out to be real. But… says who?
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Stuffy And I have seen many convincing stories on Penn & Teller. No offence meant here. But I want more proof than anecdotes of something this critical.. If Harry Houdini couldnt make it back to give us some signs, then in my book it cant be relied on. (For those unclear on the reference. Houdini promised his wife that if there were an afterlife, he would return and give her a sign. he never did..)😷
Stuffy · 61-69, F
Something that trips me up- is that so many people believe it. At least it really had me for while. But now, with the recent election I have no doubt most people are totally unreliable at best.
People coerced me every day of my life. Family in particular would definitely coerce me into death by any means! Remember that.
@Stuffy of course! My father was a big cheeze in a scary profession linked to all people in power and he hated folks into the grave, decided who could be taken seriously and had everyone doing exactly what he wanted. That's how our society works. Evil runs it!
In my family they hate me and actually told me to die, ",poor and alone"- as my dead brother used to say! And they don't get nicer over time. Be yourself, live as long as you can and screw everyone else when it comes to that!
Stuffy · 61-69, F
@Roundandroundwego I’m sorry which society is that? What country?
@Stuffy that was Pennsylvania. My sibs and I went to the same prep academy as Trump, the same college as a certain segregation loving president - you might say that was the USA.
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Stuffy · 61-69, F
@oldguy73 thank you! I’m not kidding. But do be careful. You know that girl who went to jail for saying that!
Vin53 · M
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
It's against God and morally wrong to take a life, even your own.
Stuffy · 61-69, F
@Musicman I understand your belief.
swirlie · F
Have you ever explored the option of 'medically assisted suicide'?
Stuffy · 61-69, F
Yes. I believe I’d have to pay a lot of money and go to another country, after getting my families blessing.
swirlie · F
For what it's worth, it's available in Canada apparently. I just heard about it.
Stuffy · 61-69, F
@swirlie thank you
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Stuffy · 61-69, F
@jshm2 I have no aspirations to being a big brave warrior, no thanks. And if was to do it I already plan to dig my own grave so as not to trouble anyone. So what other reasons?

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