Suicide isn't only a sin against God, who gave you this great gift of life, and who, like any loving parent, keeps hoping you will enjoy it and learn wonderful things and grow from it so that when you enter the next life your spirit will be much more beautiful and strong.
It is also a sin against your family and friends. You give NO thought to what THEY will suffer, and the harm you will do to THEM when you leave in that horrible way.
Your thoughts are poisoned. Your thoughts are immature. I once had a thought like that...I was so angry that my mother had given birth to me...because she really made me suffer. But as I grew, even though parts of my life were absolutely horrible, I learned that there is incredible joy in the world. The beauty of nature alone is enough to make me want to fly, and sing!
My Uncle committed suicide. When I was 11 years old, I had a sort of psychic fore-knowledge that he wasn't going to be there the following year. And he wasn't. He was my dark haired handsome Uncle. I had a little girl sort of crush on him. But I was too young to know that he was also very badly wounded after Iwojima. He was in a lot of pain all the time, and suffered from PTSD. He received NO mental health help whatsoever from the V.A., because in those days, mental health issues were considered shameful.
He was also self medicating with alcohol. He became a drunk. He would come home drunk, shouting to his wife to let him in, and she wouldn't...not when he was drunk. Once, he was hollering out on the lawn below her kitchen window, and she took her pan full of dirty dishwater and threw it on him to sober him up.
Eventually the drink and lack of medical care took their toll, and he took his shot gun and shot himself in the head while sitting out in the yard in his pickup truck. His young sons found his body.
Imagine the horror of that.
He abandoned his wife and THREE young children. His daughter, the youngest, was only 13 at the time. His wife had to sell their house after paying for his funeral, and they had to move. She had to go to work, and her children had to raise themselves.
You had best believe that his family did NOT remember him fondly. He became a name that no one ever mentioned. My Aunt, his sister, only mentioned him once, when I asked why no one ever talked about my Uncle, whom I had loved. I had no idea she was SO angry. She told me that my Uncle was the most SELFISH person she had ever known.
And YOU. YOU want to torture your kids by asking permission. SELFISH doesn't begin to describe it. It's MONSTROUS.