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If you have ever felt /identified with being broken, tainted, or inept....

What broke you out of feeling that way? I sure have tried so many things, affirmations, therapy, books.... but a lot of the trauma was so horrible that it seeped way, way into my subconscious.😔

I still do identify with being small, weak, or tainted. How did you feel better? (if you have found healing)??
How did you view yourself as good or strong etc?
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
Finding self confidence. Iv been through the whole process of trying to fix myself and loosing hope and that whole rollercoaster. I find what ever method you try doesnt matter until you choose to accept yourself. You can find that through a lot of different means just pick one that works for you.

I find meditation is great for calming your mind and body and introspection

Deep breathing and focus techniques help with anxiety and letting go of what currently bothering you in the moment.

I taught myself wisdom is made by overcome hardships and learning the lessons they have to offer. Not every downfall is a negative thing but a learning experience to grow stronger from.

Also let go of the opinions of others. They probably dont understand your struggle or haven't had to deal with things like you have so dont try to relate to people. We are all unique individuals on a different path. We really restrict ourselves when we are trying to fit in or worried about what other people think. If you want to try eating soup with a fork or skydiving or a new religion go ahead! Your learning things people wont allow themselves to even try.

Treating people as you want to be treated. This is how you attract like minded people into your life over time.
It was never therapy for me. Though, I admit feeling tonight bleak, broken and tainted. Perhaps maybe holding thoughts jaded somewhere within me tonight. That's where my life is right now, somewhat, and self-talk only helps so much; ie.. affirmations.

But I admit I have had much darker periods in my life. I did identify with being broken and lost then. Maybe even before. But the lowest was not long after my father died.

I think I threw away the ideas of good, strong, or weak. It was a slow process. They mostly serve as a way of torturing your mind and measuring yourself to where you think you should be. When simply, we are always where we are.

That also means healing can come and go.
GovanDUNNY · M
You think too much ,why worry yourself over nothing .
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