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I have an actual question ..

When does positivity become toxic ?

What does that look like for you ?

DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Positivity is toxic when it's used to mask hard, important truths that should be dealt with. Basically, positivity is toxic when it's a lie.
Magenta · F
@DunningKruger Yes, it's a lie, to mask honest reality.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
When it completely disregards actual legitimate emotions like sadness or worry. My sister is having awful neuropathy in her feet and can barely just 36. She told my aunt (who is an extremely dismissive rude person)..and she had to twist my sisters sadness around and just said "At least you have a roof over your head" 🫨That to me was a form of toxic positivity.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I find it toxic when it becomes dismissive of how you feel. Sometimes things aren’t going to be okay or it’s unknown. Just let me have those feelings and get through them.

I also don’t like it when people tell me to push through. I am an adult and know what needs to be done.

Sometimes we just need to have these feelings to process stuff. That’s when positivity becomes toxic.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@iamonfire696 Right or just tries to frame genuine problems as simply perception issues.

A bad thing can be bad. We can learn healthy ways to cope with it but don't tell me that I'm okay when I'm not.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@CountScrofula Exactly, I try to be positive for myself but how can we tell others how to feel.
Magenta · F
Any time someone tries to force over positive words on me (or someone else) for when I am feeling down, sad, etc.. or invalidating my feelings, it's toxic.
It's an extreme and dysfunctional form of positivity and way of handling emotions. I think it's avoidance of what it is to be a human with all the myriad of emotions we naturally have. In a way it's lying to oneself and not facing reality. And it's something I abhor.
If you mean for an example someone's ego, then too much self positivity can become toxic because you're unable to see your flaws anymore.
@MsSwan good explanation
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
I think everyone has pretty much covered it in general.

Personally, I have been gaslighting myself into toxic positivity sometimes lately. Like not letting myself feel frustration or sadness simply because things aren't as bad as they were before. Have to keep reminding that we have a whole spectrum of emotions for a reason and it is okay to feel them.
@SwampFlower I'm guilty of doing that to myself too
Ontheroad · M
When positivity becomes ego and when it ignores the hurt/issues of others.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
never 💁‍♂
Straylight · 31-35, F
When it becomes enabling of bad habits.
I have a condition that causes me to faint/collapse.

My mother:- "Just push through it"... It doesn't work like that. Trying makes me worse and takes longer for me to recover. Trust me, I want to participate as much as the next person.

My former work coach:- "Just don't tell employers that you have it when they ask in the interview"... Yes, because I really want to fall from a cherry picker in some Amazon warehouse, right??? Oh yeah, and I would be liable for any damages I cause in the event I land on someone...
@HootyTheNightOwl you have no idea how much I can relate to this . People are compassionate as long as it doesn't inconvenience them in any way .
@pripyatamusementpark Like I keep saying... it's not that I don't want to work - I do, I just don't want to kill myself at work.

The government is primed to get more disabled people working... and the thought terrifies me, given that they wanted me working in warehouses, cleaning and retail last time I was looking for work.

I would dearly love to return to shops (I have unfinished aspirations there)... or even whizz around on a cherry picker - but they won't hire me because I'm dead if I fall into anything sharp or made from glass. The only way I'll be working is on a self employed basis, since I can guarantee that I have flexible hours and don't have to do the commute in crisis. I would need a carer to get me home once I reach crisis point.
When you're asked your opinions or thoughts and you give it and you're constantly told to stop beingbso negative or such a downer like your opinion didn't matter in the first place
Alyosha · 31-35, M
When it's a facade. Don't lie about things being fine when they're not.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
There’s two kinds of positivity, acted and natural! The first kind gets toxic very quick as it’s pushed out on others, the second never gets boring as the person projecting it does so unknowingly!!
Bignakedguy · 31-35, M
Also when it becomes weaponized
mooncrest02 · 31-35, F
Trying to not experience bad feelings
when its shoveled down ur throat
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