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Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
“I love you”
Cassieeeee · 31-35, F
I would tell myself to speak up, get new friends, and that 90% of the things I thought was normal isn't.. 🥹
GunFinger · F
Make intelligent decisions. Follow your brain, not your heart.
Don't dye the ends of my hair red
Nimbus · M
Never trust a Scouser.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@Nimbus 🤷♂️that goes without saying ned we will nick your wallet at an blink of an eye lol
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Get out of this country. Let yourself grow. School isn't everything. Put more energy into creating network and observing professional world than into getting good grades and approval of people in school.
Tahitiangrandma · 61-69, F
Buy gold, have more kids, work hard harder then everyone else but also remember to have fun. Don't listen to most people.
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
Don’t confuse book smarts with life experience. Get out and do stuff.
CactusJackManson · 46-50, M
Show people you appreciate them before it's too late
lonelyloner · 31-35, F
don't try anything ahead of your time
Northerner · 70-79, M
Whatever you want to do. "Do it now." One life, Live it.
Gingerbreadspice · F
I would have told myself to be a better person, to not get fired from my job, to save and if my senses tell me to do something I should do it, because a few months or a few later could be too late.
XxEllaxRawrxX · 13-15
Never get can trust them and love them but NEVER get attached. Also ik no one cares but I just took a shower, cleaned some of my room and ate something. 4 days of not eating👍
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
Don't go back to Canada.
(No offense Canada, I love you, the circumstances were just wrong)
(No offense Canada, I love you, the circumstances were just wrong)
NoGamesTolerated · F
Do not believe them. Trust none of what you hear and little of what you see! 🥹
katydidnt · 61-69, F
Tell your parents about your bullies.
You're not alone. I will always have your back.
You're not alone. I will always have your back.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
Go for the money. Buy real estate as soon as you can. Have kids earlier than you think.
Ducky · 31-35, F
I’ve always hated myself, so I wouldn’t tell my younger self anything good.
StraCat · 41-45, M
Trust your gut, and don't second guess what you are drawn to.
Omg you’re all grown up lmao
RVLPreborn · M
@Pressure how'd I do
@RVLPreborn looking like a kpop star
ffony · M
A great deal of what you'll be taught is nonsense.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
It probably wouldn't matter. Pointless
Umile · 41-45, F
Give things a try.
Give things a try.
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Dino11 · M
Keep it zipped up
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
It's not your fault.
LifeIsShort · M
Buy Bitcoins.
Panamared · 70-79, M
Go for it
ElwoodBlues · M
Maybe the tech company equivalent of this:
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Don't worry it will happen anyway
Azlotto · M
Not true.
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
Invest invest invest 😢😭
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