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Why does alternative fashion upset the “normals” so much?

The amount of hate messages I get, from mostly men, because of how I dress and my “bUlL nOsE rInG” is crazy to me.

Like when I was single, I was only interested in dating men from my scene. I wouldn’t even want those blank, plain Jane guys anyways.

It kinda reminds me of a couple girls in middle school who bullied me, but then started dressing goth later. It’s weird.

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originnone · 61-69, M
Well, it meant something different 50-75 years ago. I doubt many people from your generation bat an eye at it. I find yours attractive, but I don't think that of all of them. I think people should do a lot more with color and design of hair. For me, tattoos are generally unattractive....but piercings, unusual hair and clothing styles....that's all just things different generations do when they find new ways to express themselves through clothing, styles, and accessories.
XxEllaxRawrxX · 13-15
I also dress alt/punk at my school, pink highlights w hair covering one eyes, tripp pants, black heels/combat boots, drawings on myself, the whole 9 yardz. X D It doesnt go very well but just remember they are JEALOUS, wether you're a boy, girl, they, black, white, whatever. You do You for You, dress how you want and be prouddd ^_^ I love you my alt babes (or whatever your style is) <<3
I have no idea but that’s very offensive. Someone’s style shouldn’t bother you enough to make such comments directly to them.
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@morbidcynic] 😆if you are happy with the way you dress and look great this is not up too scrutiny of others. they need too think about your feelings and if they have nothing positive too say then they should butt out
Bumbles · 51-55, M
What kind of fashion?
666Maggotz · F
@Bumbles goth and punk mostly for me. I do like the Japanese Lolita fashion but don’t do that as often as the others.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@666Maggotz I say go for it!
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
I don't know, I frequently crush hard on goth and punk. I'm not even a big fan of piercings, but they work well with the rest of the look. 🤷‍♂️

I don't understand people who are into conformist culture in general.
Men send you hate comments over that? That's extremely immature and lame. They are probably just mad that their shitty personality gets them rejected by every woman they've ever tried with, so they take it out on Internet women.
tenente · 100+, M
these people are deeply unhappy and need to bring everyone down with them 🙁

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