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How to be positive?

Attempting to learn to be more positive And upbeat. Attempting to do better and be more functional. Even if it takes ignoring my emotions and thoughts, I’ll try to, any tips on becoming more positive and joyful?
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I think it comes down to changing the way you think. An attitude of gratitude. Being grateful for the blessings in your life. Like a roof above your head. Food on your table. Bills paid. A vehicle if you have one. Friends. Family. Things like that. And getting out in nature and noticing the beauty around you. Simple beauty. Trees. Animals. The way the sun feels upon your skin. The detail of a leaf. The colour of flowers. Perhaps changing from negative to positive thoughts. Stopping and asking yourself why you are feeling negative. Then changing your thought to something positive. Ask yourself: is this way of thinking helping me? Benefitting me? It is easy to get into the habit of thinking negative and requires real effort to think positively then. I hope this helps. Oh, and surrounding yourself with people who support you. Good, honest, positive people. That certainly helps.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
I’m a big fan of practicing reframing skills.
When something comes up you practice looking at it from a feasible negative perspective meaning you don’t let your brain look wavy on the trees to things you couldn’t possibly actually bet on, looking at it from a neutral perspective where it’s not negative or positive, and equally looking at it from a feasible positive perspective which also means not forcing yourself into a Mary sunshine mode with outlandish optimism
RebelFox · 36-40, F
Ignoring negative thoughts and emotions will make them worse just sayin
NotAfraidofAnything · 26-30, M
@RebelFox Agreed. It's good to get your mind off life sometimes
Reject · 26-30, M
What worked for me was finding something that mattered more than me. That way no matter what reasons I had to be negative, I always had a greater one to be positive.
Elessar · 26-30, M
Only way is to be able to put the head under the sand, or being naïve enough to not notice that things are degrading. Unfortunately for myself, I'm incapable of both
MellyMel22 · F
Try to remember it’s temp and push through. It’ll get easier.
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
Counting your blessings I suppose. You'll always have something to lose.
So simple!!!

Some people are just lucky I look bad in orange jumpsuits

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