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How can I stop judging myself so bad?

And comparing myself? and feeding myself self deprecating thoughts?
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cycleman · 61-69, M
took me till recently to see I was doing that myself all my life. to change though ..... I am filled with negativity and cynicism. so easy to say "don't be!" but it is a challenge to alter the way I think and 'positively' too !

I usually end up thinking of the ending for Monty Python's "The Life of Brian" . "You always got to look on the Bright side of Life" .
JustChill · 26-30, F
@cycleman So how is it going now? Can you say you're getting there?
cycleman · 61-69, M
@JustChill in ways, I am. But I so love being on the rocky shoreline and enjoy the peace and quiet the Pacific brings to me.
Lemme know when you find out
ChiyoSKL · 31-35, F
@SW-User Ditto.
JustChill · 26-30, F
@SW-User Alright.
I know this doesn't help you two much, but what I've seen from both of your posts, is that you two ladies are full of potential.
Don't forget
that!🤗🤗 @SW-User @ChiyoSKL
english · 56-60, M
well we are our own worse critics thats a given ,you have to ask yourself what is it these people have that makes you compare ,or want to be like its ok to dream or fantasize about it,we all do that to some extent ,but it has its limits ,letting it go to the point of make you feel bad about youself should be a red flag in itself .🤗 you have good karma i feel that ,im sure your a good person to, the grass is nt always greener, and it still needs mowing even when it is 🙃
I wish I knew, and that I could bottle it up, and give free samples to those of us who struggle with this..I'm sorry that's no help.😔
@JustChill you're welcome sweetheart. I truly hope you don't let it beat you down to where you can't accomplish your dreams, because you're worth it.😘🤗
JustChill · 26-30, F
@SW-User I wish what you're saying is true. Thank you, I hope you get better yourself dear.
@JustChill thank you. 💛
simple, just tell yourself to stop and do it
@JustChill theory from a friend because i never judge myself or comparing myself that bad
JustChill · 26-30, F
@YukikoAmagi lol good for you
@JustChill 🤣
imo21169 · 41-45, F
Stop and bust the move and everything will be fine
JustChill · 26-30, F
@imo21169 I'mma try that. Thanks.
Understanding that you are just playing your part in drama of this world.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Through changing. If that fails, then through accepting that you're failing in the present in order to be able to succeed in the future.
JustChill · 26-30, F
@MartinTheFirst I'm not failing. I'm very much productive but the voice in my head is too much to bear.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@JustChill Then what does it say?
JustChill · 26-30, F
@MartinTheFirst "You're never going to amount to anything you wish for." "There is nothing you will give humanity cause you're nothing." "Everyone else is better than you so what's the point of doing it."
It's difficult not to listen to it even if you're productive.

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