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How do you stop someone from ruining someone's life and the people around them

Because this person has a crush on someone's boyfriend and tried breaking them up didn't work and because of her coursing trouble for him they are no longer friends she wants to destroy his live and course trouble for him and lives of others and getting your children involved to get them to there house and you have had to tell your children to stay away .how do you deal with and sort it out if other people are also involved getting info for that person and being so sly what can you do about it with no proof or evidence.
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greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Generally speaking, the less attention people like this get, the less of a problem they become. If she is doing anything illegal, call the police; you do not need "proof" to make a police report. If she is not doing anything to get arrested, then leave her alone. 100%. No feedback and she will fade away. Keep ignoring her for as long as it takes.
Sallysales33 · 41-45, F
We don't say or do anything and ignore she done quite a few things to be honest got people fired then tried to take over there job.pretended to be someone who died and said nasty things over Facebook. Got someone to put a pic up and also say nasty things on Facebook. When your kids playing out getting them to go in to their House stalking your kids school at one point. Telling people there gonna get people done for fraud .and telling people there not gonna let it go plus other things we told school they banned her from coming school and that's all we did have ignored rest.
Sallysales33 · 41-45, F
Plus a lot of other things
Looks like you're dealing with a narcissist. Don't give them any form of attention. Ignore them. Try to avoid this person as MUCH you can. This person needs to work on her own faults. People can do crazy things out of fear or pain that's not dealt with in a healthy way. This is something she needs to work out. I'd say leave it up to karma, and when things get REALLY bad like when someone is in life danger, then get the police involved, even when it's word against word! Someone needs to tell her to let go the things she can't get.. Like "face it, get over it. he chose someone else. there's still plenty of fish in the ocean. go swimming!"
Sallysales33 · 41-45, F
True I pretty much do that any way don't give any attention and avoid that person plus he does also but she tries to get her friends kids to hangout with Our kids friends to get info about him and talks about him all the time and even shares info with our kids that is not right .I have had to stop that also she has known him a long time from school and been obsessed with him for about 30 years he was with her year's back and was actually going to get with her again before he got with this other person. I get that you can really like some one I have been emotional and confused myself maybe said words I didn't mean when i have really liked someone but would never course trouble for that person and used others to get info and stuff but what you have said makes sense .
Aprism · F
Become their best friend, that way it will divert nasty endeavours (if any). 🙂
Aprism · F
Show no interest and check the phone of your OH. Maybe he is having an affair and this is why she is behaving in a disturbed way. I think you need to delve deeper, but always remain calm, never rise to the bait. 🙂
Sallysales33 · 41-45, F
I don't know could be but no evidence and still really horrible to get others involved and to do that to someone else make out is was the family member on Facebook who died said nasty things that's sick to me and to report and try to be cruel to others is wrong she should just let it drop he is with that other person she should just walk away I am calm I would never lass out or use violence or get even or anything like that just wish she would just stop.
Aprism · F
I see no other option other than slamming a section 5 on her ass! 😳
Sallysales33 · 41-45, F
How to deal with things in the right way as this person done prank calls.and reported people and it being all lies what's she is claiming. Says she was gonna go to police for him groppin her .getting other people to put pictures of him on Facebook and say nasty things .making up other Facebook accounts and spying on our Facebooks .trying to lure our kids into there house with showing them kittens and just a lot of other stuff we know for sure just no actual evidence with most stuff how to deal with it.
Sallysales33 · 41-45, F
Anyone got any suggestions.

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