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Any advice? Resources?

I was reminded of the reason that initially got me to SW. I was searching for info on what to do to get my son off drugs. And an SW post came up from someone sharing on a drug issue.
My son’s 19 and doesn’t accept that he needs help. I want him to go to therapy and I have gone to 3 therapists but haven’t found real help for myself or him. I contacted his doctor, no help.
I’ve searched online again and again and can’t find what to do.
Does anyone have any advice?
I was hoping he’ll stop on his own but it’s not happening. Have any of you experienced success in drug issues yourself or relative or friend?
Do you have any advice that would be helpful?
Thank you.
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There are plenty of online sources available. You need to find help for yourself before you can figure out how to help your son. Some of these links might help guide you in the right direction:

I wish you the best of luck. 🤗
Love4All · 56-60, F
@SW-User I’ll look into the links you sent. Thank you
hlpflwthat · M
what to do to get my son off drugs

You've spoken with 3 therapists & a doctor and you're still using the term 'drugs?'

That alone could have something to do with your son ignoring your position. If you want to truly influence someone's decision(s) it will help you to know your topic well.
hlpflwthat · M
@Love4All Of course not. Why explain yourself? That would be adult. All I asked is what is it you see going so terribly wrong with his life.

But here's where I was headed ... unless your son's marijuana use is adversely affecting him, keep your nose out of his business. There's good reason the professionals you contacted haven't helped you.
Love4All · 56-60, F
@hlpflwthat They said he’s over 18 and also, with addiction it’s him who has to decide to stop.
Behavior is affected, thinking too and health. Made decisions that have affected his health.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Love4All I practiced medical toxicology, including addiction medicine, for almost 50 years before retiring. there are some very good, free, sources if you live in the US. Depending upon your scientific education there are books, etc., at various levels. I don't have the names at my finger tips, but if you want help from me, PM me a reminder and I will try to dig up some information for yo.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
What does he use? All you can do is be there for him and try to help, Don't be directly confrontational. If he uses opioid, be sure you have naloxone (aka Narcan) in case he overdoses.
Love4All · 56-60, F
@samueltyler2 Thank you! I think por and ecstasy.
And yes, I have directly confrontational many times. 😞
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Love4All direct confrontation is the last thing to try. Tough love. But, you have to be prepared to pull the trigger.
tough love
long term rehab and a supervised step down programme into society
Love4All · 56-60, F
@SW-User I’ll have to keep learning on tough love, it’s hard for me
Rambler · 61-69, M
I’ve been through this with my son. Message if you would like.
He's going to have to find something that feels better to him than how the drugs make him feel. But even if there's something like that - something he has a passion for - he's going to have to want to take steps to make the change.

Have you tried a 12-step group?
Love4All · 56-60, F
@PhoenixPhail I’m hoping it’s soon.
The 12-step? No
@Love4All I hope it's soon, too.
You can find 12-step groups through counseling centers, churches, internet.
I’ve lost many friends to drugs and alcohol abuse over the years . 🤗
Love4All · 56-60, F
If it's heroin that's the worst one
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Teach him why he shouldn't. You can't force him to get off drugs... If he's a believer in God, then the Bible is pretty useful for quitting addictions, just remind him of that.
Love4All · 56-60, F
@MartinTheFirst he’s not a believer

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