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Your idea of punishment? 🔥

Mine : Wearing Black TACTICAL gear for around 10 hours in the sun, in 38 C heat....next lol....🤦‍♀
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Madmonk · M
@FreeSpirit1 silencer
sben4200 · 51-55, M
@FreeSpirit1 Oh my! 😃
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@FreeSpirit1 gal what are you watching? This is ,....fancy 👀🫢
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Going shopping with the wife. 😬
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@Degbeme well ...some shopping has become a nightmare yes.
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
Force politicians live on minimum wage for 2 years. They have to get their own place, buy their food, and do everything they say a person on minimum wage can afford to do.

I bet you will see some major changes then
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@HumanEarth I second that. Too corrupt and rich to understand anyone ...
Matt85 · 36-40, M
didnt know you were in the military 🤔
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@Matt85 Im not in the military?! Omigosh 🤦‍♀
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@Rilyn Sorry, I apologize.
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@Matt85 no need 😌
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
Try wearing desert bdu full Rucc towing a weapon and 50 lb of gear extra in 137° heat in the Mojave or death valley California during desert readiness training that's punishment
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@KingofBones1 *Talks to myself raising a brow winking back* meh...this guys something else....
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@Rilyn that's right sweetheart they don't make them like me anymore
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@KingofBones1 They should! 😭 Its the definition of gentleman
Ontheroad · M
No coffee in the morning.
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@Ontheroad im going to need loads....
Not saying ' I love you' back to someone and just brushing it aside by being silent
@Rilyn I am, maybe too paranoid. I guess all of us here are
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@WantToStickitinYerMouth Eh no. Im the least paranoid person youll find lol
@Rilyn lol, I'd like to be that way, if only for a day. Getting the thin foil hat off my head would be nice
Spnk8 · 36-40, M
That's your idea of punishment? I work in the heat for my job for about 9 hours everyday and yeah it is hot and sucks. But I could think of worse punishments lol
Spnk8 · 36-40, M
@Rilyn well been doing it for 10 years now so guess I just get use to it. But I still hate sweating so much 😔. And idk I bet being out in cold weather in the snow naked would be worse lol
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@Spnk8 Well....naked in snow = hypothermic shock and near certain death.....but why would you go naked anyway? 👀
Spnk8 · 36-40, M
@Rilyn that's what I'm saying that would be a worse punishment if someone stripped you naked and made you stand out there for a little bit. Not real long just till all you're parts are cold and shriveled up lol
Seclusion when I desire company
@Rilyn if you’re a chatterbox, you’d make good company. I need a chatterbox in my life lol
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@DisappearingTide I'm very skilled
....in various....ways 😏
@Rilyn I bet. 😜
sben4200 · 51-55, M
🥤 A cold drink to help you cool down.

Now come in, take that tactical gear off and get comfortable. :)
sben4200 · 51-55, M
@Rilyn Of course. Lots of ice. And I'll refill it whenever you need
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@sben4200 Too kind. Be warned though...I drink a lot....
sben4200 · 51-55, M
@Rilyn I brought you a refill🥤 with ice🧊 You can drink that while I go to get my hose to cool you off. 🚿
subhubby · 56-60, M
Most of my punishments are a bit tame but they teach me lessons. Typically, being scolded and silenced in public while humiliating also reminds of my place. ☺
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@subhubby I bet it would teach me mine quite easily too
Onasander · 41-45, M
I've stood in much hotter temperatures in full tactical gear, and also in incredibly cold temperatures in full tactical. Cold is harder.
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@Onasander Nah. Ill do cold. Hot messes with my temper you dont want that 😁🔥
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Rilyn · 31-35, F
@jshm2 Dude thats not helpful. I hear the weather will cool down smh though
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
Good way to lose a few pounds
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
@Rilyn could be humbling. I'd probably wind up down on my knees
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@JohnnyNoir youll get used to it
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
@Rilyn maybe so
Ducky · 31-35, F
Fasting for a week. Nothing but water.
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@Ducky you dont eat you get delirious see things - eat. At least a tomato ok. Keeps you hydrated too 🤣
Ducky · 31-35, F
@Rilyn I’ve fasted plenty of times and that’s never happened to me, lolwut.
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@Ducky Gal...youre invincible! Jesus did it without water tho 😁
496sbc · 36-40, M
You revv my car boom 💥 lol
496sbc · 36-40, M
@Rilyn aww man
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@496sbc Im a busy woman remember? I hardly sleep 👀
496sbc · 36-40, M
@Rilyn and your 8000 miles away
jackieash · 26-30
Being forced to attend a speech made by a tory or a "reform" politician.
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@jackieash easy put in a pair of ear plugs and clap when they clap 🤣
gandalf1957 · 61-69, M
@jackieash or any other politician, but then in the democracies you have that choice rather than being forced
Pretzel · 61-69, M
especially if you're wearing body armor
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@Pretzel lets skip that .....ill end up crawling
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@Rilyn stay hydrated!
Madmonk · M
Ice skating over the piranha pond in the spring
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@Madmonk are you into risk taking stunts or what?
Lilymoon · F
Not eating at least 2 times a day
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@Lilymoon I dont eat much. In fact smh yesterday I felt sick .....:(
sben4200 · 51-55, M
I'm sure you looked hot!

In both senses ;)
tfan123 · 46-50, M
🥤Here’s something to cool you down 🙂
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@tfan123 dont just hand it! Dunk me with it!
Guardian · 56-60, M
My first Q is Why?
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@Guardian Work
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@PepsiColaP aww babe 🤗 you got to give it all youve got. But yes life is overwhelming.
@Rilyn you're right
Lilyb · 22-25, F
The mall....
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@Lilyb what of it?
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@PoeticPlay whooops 👀
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
quit jacking for a week
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
@Rilyn no what do you take me for? masturbation and food. same for you I expect.
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@pancakeslam No. I got higher priorities. Thats just stress relief
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
@Rilyn oh. thanks for the lesson. .
still not sure what that has to do with corporal punishment though
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Rilyn · 31-35, F
@OldBrit yusss but necessary
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