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SteelHands · 61-69, M
Back in the 1960s American public schools didn't pay overtime to teachers to play that game and so there was no such thing.
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SteelHands · 61-69, M
@TinaP In office detention in a chair during class time. There, awaiting parental arrival for a possible days suspension from attending school for the end of the school day. To be reinstated only twice before expulsion.

If expelled you got shipped to behavioral correction school where you were treated like the immature child and labeled for what you planned to become. A loser.

Matt85 · 36-40, M
All the time. Mostly cause I was too stupid to complete the work, which is just cruel.
That is shit, no one should get detention for being "stupid"/or not knowing things that are taught at school.

Detention is for more if you are bad and or also for maybe hurting others..or the last one police and suspension should be involved.
Nope 😇 I was a good girl haha ummmm yeah 🤫🙃 nothing to add :P

But once nearly for going down or up the wrong stairs..quicker to get to next class lol got caught by a guy teacher.

Hmmmm one time maybe I should have got "detention" buttttttttt they surprisingly didn't. Lol 🤷🏼‍♀️

@Sharon Sharon is outta the building lol, blocked me or unlaughed my answer now.funny.

what is sooooooooo funny about my answer? or are you one of them clowns who laugh at what others type online to try to hurt their feelings and more.

And especially since this is a question from a few days ago I see..
Sharon · F
Detention was almost unheard of at my school, we got the slipper instead.
chrisCA · M
@Sharon There was no slipper in our schools. Lol
pdockal · 56-60, M
I got detention lots and if i was hit i would have hit back
exexec · 61-69, C
No detention. For serious offenses, like fighting, you were suspended for three days. For minor offences, girls had to write sentences or clean blackboards, and boys were paddled by coaches or forced to run laps
Sharon · F
@Carey The teachers were obviously perverts who got their sexual kicks from beating boys.
Carey · F
@exexec It seems to me, if she was happy with the punishment, it wasn't punishment.
exexec · 61-69, C
@Carey Probably true. I always had athletics practice after school, so it wasn't a matter of missing time with me.
MartinII · 70-79, M
I certainly was. Not so much prison as a (relatively gentle) torture chamber. We had to sit still, hands on desk, facing the front and not move, except for occasional breathing.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@MartinII They let you breathe? Good God man. how lenient!

Detentions at our school (I had two) meant spending the time on some imposition - you could not use it for homework as that would defeat the object - but it could also mean missing some enjoyable after-school activity you had hoped to join.

I knew of one girl who arrived without anything set to do, so the supervising teacher made her write the French numbers from Un... upwards. I have no idea how far she reached in that hour, especially given the French numbers above Vingt, I think, tend to become textual adding-sums.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
Detention was always for an hour after school.
I would rather have been caned or slippered Miss Michaels!
Stuck in a small room with the "frequent flyers" which was like getting busted for jaywalking and being sent into the tank with the most vicious of criminals...
DiegoWolfe · 36-40
i was bored in detention most of the times i had to go
Uniformed · 46-50, M
@DiegoWolfe we had o change into very unfashionable school gym kits and do pt in front of everybody leaving a lot of the time or sometimes pick up the trash.
DiegoWolfe · 36-40
@Uniformed thats really awful i am so sorry...
Uniformed · 46-50, M
@DiegoWolfe yeah it was tough but I quite like those type of clothes
When I was in middle school I had an art teacher that would give me a lot of detention. He liked the way I would clean his tool.
Carey · F
I have had detentions, when I was younger. We had to copy pages of text in longhand, or learn a poem to recite.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
I was never in detention, but I have been suspended... Twice. It pains me to talk about it, though.
AbbeyP · 70-79, F
Me too. Mum was never pleased about it though
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AbbeyP · 70-79, F
If we got too many@1olderguy20
Denise61 · F
@AbbeyP mums never was lol
skimpyboy · 56-60, M
Detention was rare at my school but I did get it a couple of times
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
No, we had to do extra PE or chores as a punishment.
Uniformed · 46-50, M
@SunshineGirl well we had that .Doing PT inschool isdue shorts and ancient black canvas sneakers in the days when everybody wore Nikes etc was a good
detention was ok. It was what happened when i got home and faced mum
chrisCA · M
I had one detention in high school. That was it.
chubbysteve99 · 51-55, MVIP
it happened to us all i assume
Only once

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