Ending up alone
Dying in a painful or brutal way
Extremist groups
The darkest parts of my mind
Ending up alone
Dying in a painful or brutal way
Extremist groups
The darkest parts of my mind
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Tbh, questions like this.
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lisasweety · 22-25, F
@MarkPaul i mean i dont understand what ur "Tbh, questions like this." mean lol😅😅😅
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@lisasweety Questions like this are my greatest fear.
lisasweety · 22-25, F
@MarkPaul oh i see lol😀😀😀
Reject · 26-30, M
Setting people back. I don’t really care about anything else.
Notanymore · 41-45, M
That little cotton ball at the top of the asprin bottle makes up at least 3 of them
Coralmist · 41-45, F
Not finding love, not Believing I deserve love, death of loved ones, planes, disease
Elevatorpitches · F
PirateMonkeyCabinet · 36-40, M
In random order:
* Seeing loved ones suffer, be it an agonizingly slow and painful end, or through problem after problem heading their way and breaking them down.
* Losing my marbles in a bad way (e.g. dementia).
* Losing my physical health in a bad way (e.g. cancer).
* Locked in my own mind with no control of my body, able to comprehend and understand everything around me but unable to move and in any way communicate.
* Being too alone for far too long. Alone time is fine, I like and need a fair bit of solitude, but there is a difference between being alone and being lonely.
* Seeing loved ones suffer, be it an agonizingly slow and painful end, or through problem after problem heading their way and breaking them down.
* Losing my marbles in a bad way (e.g. dementia).
* Losing my physical health in a bad way (e.g. cancer).
* Locked in my own mind with no control of my body, able to comprehend and understand everything around me but unable to move and in any way communicate.
* Being too alone for far too long. Alone time is fine, I like and need a fair bit of solitude, but there is a difference between being alone and being lonely.
MethDozer · M
1. Heights
2. Debt
3. Disability in age
4. Dementia
5. Inevitable death of loved ones
(No particular order)
2. Debt
3. Disability in age
4. Dementia
5. Inevitable death of loved ones
(No particular order)