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Anyone else like this?

I find that as long as I don't look down, I don't get height vertigo, even though the thought of falling is on my mind.

The problem is looking down is impulsive. I knew that being safe means focusing on where I land my feet but my gaze always wanders off to the bottom of the gulf. It is extremely annoying.

Same to being on top of a building. Always looking down like it makes any difference
Yap, that's why I like solid surface underneath me, and not something transparent when up in the heights. Funny to think of I jumped from a plane 😱
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
It's pretty random for me and comes in waves. A while I'm okay and suddenly it hits or starts building up. But I haven't been in heights in a while. Last year in summer I went to the roof and had almost something like a panic attack building up but it came only after spending a while on it. I was in the middle, nowhere near the edge and suddenly it started building up. Very strange.
Miram · 31-35, F
@CrazyMusicLover that sounds really terrifying. I get similar episodes related to PTSD even without the triggers. Completely random emotional collapse
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Miram I don't know if "panic attack" is the right term. I start feeling dizzy, unwell, restless and inner tremor. Yes, a bit like I'm going crazy but so far it was luckily always manageable with the right breathing and focusing mind. Inner tremor stays for a longer time, sometimes for hours. It was the first time I had it that bad from heights though. Before I just got dizzy, never hyperventilating and feeling like losing it.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
I've never found that to work for me. If I know I'm high up on something, especially something precarious, even if I can't see it, the vertigo and acrophobia hit hard.

Oddly, I've never been afraid of flying. I have basically hung out of a helicopter in the gunners seat and the door open, and it was fine.
Miram · 31-35, F
That is strange. Are you passionate about flying? @DunningKruger
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
@Miram No, not especially. I like it fine — the flying part itself — but it isn't something I have to do.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
If I am at the top of a building or in a similarly "elevated" situation, I get very anxious if I look down. But I do not find looking down to be so impulsive, I suppose because I KNOW what my reaction will be.

I don't think my reactions quite qualify as vertigo, but I am gripped with an irrational fear in those situations.
Miram · 31-35, F
@DrWatson I don't think it is irrational, haha. It would hurt as fuck even if for just few secs
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@Miram Yes, falling would hurt. But I meant it is irrational for me to obsess over the possibility that I might fall. Why should my sense of balance be worse up there than down on the ground? And if there is a railing protecting me, falling is even less likely.

I actually knew someone who had the urge to jump in such situations. It was not because she was suicidal, but simply that she was so terrified of falling that she wanted to just get it over with!
This is normal, sometimes we tend to focus on the things we try to avoid.

For example, I was wondering, why the post is categorised as Long Distance relationship 🤔 the whole time I was reading your post instead of reading it properly.
Miram · 31-35, F
@SW-User hehe
For me, it's moving diagonally.

I can sit high up and look down. But i can't drive up a slope or use escalators without my heart racing.
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I suffer with vertigo ❤
tenente · 100+, M
millwright here. can confirm: hate working heights. i focus on completing the work at hand and returning to the sweet safety of solid ground asap. i actually get nauseous if i stay up there for longer than 30 min
Miram · 31-35, F
@tenente oh , that is tough. You stay safe while up

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