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How do you forgive someone who broke you?

Broke your trust,heart,etc
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rottenrobi · 56-60, F Best Comment
You just do, its not for them, its for you. It doesn't pardon the actions, it simply frees you up to move on. They f'd you up, I get it. Mine did the same to me. I didn't want to waste one more minute thinking about him or anything he did to me. So I forgave him. My guy is a mess. I can't fix him and he can't take any of it back. Let this person go. You will feel so much better when you are free of replaying the hurt over and over.
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
You'll be so much better for doing it. Good luck.
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@rottenrobi: thank you, I might post a story about it on here so I can share with everyone the story and understand better my situation with her. Thank you again
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
I will watch for it.

KanashiiHime · 26-30, F
learn to forgive for your own good. not for them.
how? that, is something only you would know. You know yourself the best. We don't.
the best we other people can do is to support and give advice on what we do.
However, what we do might not be the best option for you.
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@KanashiiHime: I know that's very true. It is just going to make me stronger for the next time it happens. Although I hope it never happens again
KanashiiHime · 26-30, F
@Thefightingangel: good luck!. everyone's journey is different. I can't say if your's will be easier or harder comparing to others. What I can do though, is to fish you good luck!
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@KanashiiHime: thank you so much!
Forgive them for you not for them. It will help you get closure.
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@AlienMindLink: I know closure is what I need right now. A way to let it go, forgiveness is the fastest way to get closure but its also the hardest
@Thefightingangel: it is hard, but it's worth the struggle in the end
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@AlienMindLink: that's true. After I'm finally able to forgive her I will finally be free from their betrayal and the hurt it made me feel.
simple. you don't.
acupaday · 46-50, F
@Anonsmiles: My answer as well.
Lilnonames · F
@Anonsmiles: hey girl lol
@Lilnonames: hey you.
You don´t. You move on with your life. Life is too short to live with someone you can´t trust.
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@Underconstruction: that makes sense because if you cut them out of your life they will see and understand that they hurt you
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@Underconstruction: I will try my best, thank you for your advice
@Thefightingangel: You are welcome. Best wishes.
JupiterDreams · 31-35
Give it time; allow yourself to grieve. Eventually the wound will heal and you'll find it easier to forgive (after the feelings have died off).
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@JupiterDreams: I think that's what it is, I need time to process and accept that she betrayed and hurt me and maybe after some time it would be easy to forgive and let go
JupiterDreams · 31-35
I hope you're able move past this. I'm sorry she hurt you. You deserved better... *hugs*
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@JupiterDreams: thank you so much
Sepia · 36-40, F
Time out off them..then reflect..understand after then it'll be ok
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@ZeroSugar: yes that's exactly what I'm feeling! I feel like I'm suffering or feeling hurt and hating them is somewhat draining me! I'm sorry you experienced that,I'm going through it right now
Sepia · 36-40, F
@Thefightingangel: aww..just think that you are never alone. .forgive yourself so you can forgive others just take time until soon if your ready
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@ZeroSugar: I will try my best, thank you for your advice
Angelwithbrokenwingxo · 31-35, F
You don't. Forgiveness isn't for them it's for your self. Shit, I forgive myself for allowing someone else to put me through bullshit. I forgive myself for not loving myself enough to have left them in the first place.
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@Angelwithbrokenwingxo: me too but if you think about if we stop trusting people then that person that hurt us won. We need to stop letting their betrayal weighing us down, the best we can do is just be more careful when we trust someone again. Hopefully some day we will meet someone who will never let us down
Angelwithbrokenwingxo · 31-35, F
You're right. I wish you much luck on this journey that we call life.😘🤗@Thefightingangel:
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@Angelwithbrokenwingxo: thank you so much. I wish you the best too!
WYCKED · 36-40, M
You forgive them by not allowing it to shape anymore future emotions. You stop letting it effect how u feel. Forgiving is for you, not for them. It is wise to is foolish to forget.
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@WYCKED: that makes perfect sense. You are very wise!
WYCKED · 36-40, M
Ha ha no not wise. Just been through it enough. It's easy to know the right answer but for some reason we still put ourselves in hurtful situations.that's life. Sucks being a grown up sometimes that's for sure.
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@WYCKED: I know right I think its because when you love that person you give them the power to hurt you over and over again until finally you are strong enough to see that they don't love you back
I don't know if one always can.
Don't know, but i did.
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@DancingStarGoddess: I respect that
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
Sometimes it takes time for the pain to recede but usually it helps if you can move on from that person though that is not always an option available to all situations
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
@Thefightingangel: You are already smarter than I was. I didn't want to let go of all be had built together and so I made it more painful and take a lot more time than it should have. It will suck and it will suck for a while, but you won't regret it. You fill up your time with friends and things you enjoy set out some new goals for the time ahead and you will be happier than you were before this trust was broken. If you need to ever vent you can message me no judgment otherwise I wish you the best of luck on this journey.
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@betweenfatandfit: that makes so much sense and I can see it and like how even you say you went through it but I'm scared to not have her in my life. Basically she was all I had at one point in my life she would always try to motivate me. It would leave a big hole in my life but I can already feel myself pull away from her but its that last goodbye to her that is hard to say. I do have some postitive changes in my life coming up that will make me happy and like you say it will fill the time with other parts of my life. I just know I could never replace her. Wow thank you so much yea that would be great if i could message you if I need someone to vent about her. Its funny like for this exact situation she would be the one I'd talk to but right now she is the reason I'm feeling somewhat broken so that's why its just a messed up situation
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
@Thefightingangel: Anytime :)
coolboy86 · 36-40, M
you don't fuck them let them go jump in a volcano
Lilnonames · F
i never let them break me but you dont forgive or forget and u make sure it never happens again move on
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@Lilnonames: that's true but its hard sometimes. Especially when you never expected that from them
Lilnonames · F
@Thefightingangel: true that be.but many many users of people out there
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@Lilnonames: it sucks but hopefully there are some real trustworthy people out there

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