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I will probably get hate, but I think being ugly means my relationship won’t be as fulfilling as a ln attractive person.

I will never have someone look at me like a guy looks at his pretty wife/girlfriend and it sucks and hurts. Why was I born to look this way?
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dale74 · M
I wouldn't necessarily say that normally what attracts me to a woman is not always her physical beauty a lot of times until she treats others. I've gone out with a couple of women who are models but that doesn't mean they were the best people. Don't sell yourself short but judge others based on how you would like to be judged so don't just look for that tall striking handsome guy look for the one that's kind-hearted and does things for others.
IM5688 · 61-69, M
Well, if you really want guys to look at you and post their comments, you should put a few photos of yourself in your profile so we can see you and comment.
Yes, you'll probably get some pervy responses, which you can ignore and/or block, but you may also get some genuine comments and some practical comments and/or advice.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
I don't know why you think you're ugly. I'm sure that anyone who loves you would find you beautiful.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
It's a blessing really.
At least the one who wins your heart won't be doing it for physical reasons but rather for the true beauty that is with in.
That will be true love.
I'm not sure what you mean, since beauty is very subjective, but being "NOT so beautiful as to turn nearly all heads" doesn't mean you won't turn SOME heads.

And physical beauty is often quite fleeting.
FoolishLuna · 56-60, F
Wow!!! Beauty is totally in the eye of the beholder. You better start thinking that you’re beautiful or you will never find anyone that looks at you in a loving way, especially if you can’t look at yourself in a loving way.
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Yeah, I dunno about that. Do you want someone who is only interested in your for superficial reasons?
MaliaAgain · 36-40, F
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You can be a troll and still find someone that finds you breathtaking
Yourwildestdreams · 51-55, M
Pretty is being self confident 😊
Convivial · 26-30, F
We are always out own worst judges
ultra · F
Just give up and let yourself go. Eat poptarts all day.
YoMomma ·
Ugly and beauty is a matter of opinion..

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