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Should i end it?

Ive talked to him about this once, that he doesnt pay attention to me enough, he doesnt think about me enough, perhaps that he thinks i will always be there, too scared to leave him. He said hed change. Its been a couple of weeks. I dont see change. He is still off every night with his friends partying till 5 am. He is doing drugs and destroying his life, i have told him so many times that that’s wrong, ive showed him that i care all he says is “youre right”, but i dont see ANY change at all. One more thing, perhaps he is not over his ex? Before meeting me he always reposted stuff about missing her and loving her and he generally loved her so openly… why am i like a side chick? He never reposts stuff about me, he never talks about me, he never waits for my replies or my notifications. Why was he so nice with her and why am i stuck with this non chalant version of him? I have come to realize that my days depend on how he treats me. This will become toxic but i cant just leave, i know he cares about me…
What you describe are not the actions of someone who cares about you. This already is toxic. Want more for yourself. Get out now.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
@OlderSometimesWiser 100% true. I’d have said the same, but perhaps a bit stronger with my delivery. 🫤
caccoon · 36-40
He's likely an avoidant attachment style type of person. If you read into that it might help you, so that you can understand that it will be very difficult for him to change, and he likely won't.

You deserve someone who can reciprocate your feelings and treat you with love

Good luck 💙
UndeadSona · F
It sounds like it already is toxic. Have some self respect
twistedrope · 26-30, M
I cared about the people I hurt mercilessly when i was 14-21. They were all right to leave me. Caring does not give one the right to make you feel unhappy and unloved. Ditch em
Carazaa · F
Caring about you should not be the only standard you have. He needs to show you he cares daily by being a good person! Doing drugs and partying with his friends until 5 am is absolutely a deal breaker. I would not complain to him or criticize him just tell him what you need to be happy,
I would say something like
"I am not very happy, I think I need a man who makes me happy who really loves me and takes really good care of himself and me so I need a break, but I wish you well, see you later"
Do not talk more than a minute to this guy, it's a total waste of time. Don't try to change him or nag him that just makes you a ... you know what 🤗
Yeah! The thing about men is that everyone always comes up with half-baked hypothesis's about the way we are and why we are that way but if a guy is doing this and giving you these kinds of signals that he doesn't give a fuck about you, trust me, he is straight forward, he genuinely doesn't give a fuck about you. Trust that his behavior is telling you the truth.

it sounds like you already know. maybe he wasn't ready. maybe he can't be what you want. it doesn't sound like you're getting what you need and i suspect its a big mistake to hang your happiness on the hope that someone else will change in the way you want or need.
SJones48 · 41-45, M
Do you still genuinely love him?
kakkaakak · 18-21, F
@SJones48 i dont love him, i just know that i can love him, but for the time being i care about him a lot.
Richard65 · M
@kakkaakak this is a classic case of a young woman thinking she can change a flawed partner, something nobody else can do except you. It's a form of narcissism on your part. You even admit you don't love him, but you care about him a lot. You're wasting your time on a project that is designed to make you feel a sense of superiority. I've seen this many, many times - the girl who thinks she has the unique personality to change her man for the better. You don't, and he won't change to become the man you want him to be. He doesn't care about you enough to change. Move on. There is another man out there who will love you and care for you. But I don't think you want that. You want to be the girl with the power to rescue him.
You can change people.
kakkaakak · 18-21, F
@JonLosAngeles66 but ive already talked to him and nothing changed… maybe if i leave he will get scared and actually change? Thats my last hope. Id rather be alone and happy than with him and miserable.
@kakkaakak I'm sorry typo. I meant you CAN'T change people. Oops! I've found that even though relationships take work, there should be an ease to one. At this point it shouldn't be causing so much anxiety. Move on the next guy who deserves you. It's scary being alone but it's better that what you describe.
Already toxic to you as of 11 Sept.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
Yeah you deserve better leave him
I am so very sorry You are going through this :(

To be quite honest I think You have already made up your mind and posting this to get support and justification to end it, it would be the wisest thing to do.

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