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Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
It sounds like you are mad at her for her reacting to the things you said to you are blaming her for being hurt by your words
My impression is that you do not love her,you just want attention.
If you truly love her and want her back you'd show up at her place,send flowers or write a letter telling her how you feel and it was a mistake etc

Being blocked on everything can be hard, but the best thing you can do is give her space and focus on yourself. It's very common, so don't go immediately to the worse case scenario.
Usually, people get blocked by their ex for one of two reasons:
1) You've overdone it. Chances are you were very needy, very desperate, and very very jealous. You were going through her things, making inappropriate comments, harassing her maybe. At the end of the day, you couldn't handle the breakup so she blocked you. I had to block a girl everywhere because she was super jealous of other women, and it was better to move on.
2) She's having trouble getting over the breakup. What was probably happening was that she was stalking your page non-stop and it was causing her to obsess over you. She probably thought blocking you was the best way to avoid any painful reminders of you.

Now, what can you do? Nothing. The No Contact rule is a period where you go without contacting your ex so you can heal from a painful breakup. Use social media to meet other women and grow without her. Eventually, she might get curious and unblock you. If she does, wait for her to reach out. For now though, focus on yourself. Heal, and grow without her.
@GohantheThird thats cell sega SS2 gohan advice dang right on
@TryingtoLava Thanks Lava! I do what I can 😈😈😈
she can't block the postal service from dropping off a letter. she can chose not to open the envelope though...but i bet she'll read it. that's all i got other than seeing her in person...good luck
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
My friend I can't give you the proper answer cause it's a tricky question you asked .
The way I'm looking at it and it does happen and I'm sorry for saying this if your depressed but can't move on that easy the way I'm looking at it cause your ex girlfriend right and your mom passing away I can see that you were looking for a mother's love .
Did you grieve your mother properly and the answer is problem no cause you can never get over a grief like that cause your mother was special too you .
That's what happens when you go into a relationship ( and you said it ) craving your ex and now your distraught.
Some people get over grief different than others and losses .
My ex broke up with me and 3 months later my best friend passed away , she was 38 and I went off the rails . I ended up in a pysche ward 3 times in one year and that's how I dealt with grief . I was suicide for a year and half after it and now after being away from it for so long I can see the bright side of it (at times) .
I was nearly your age when that happened me but my only advise too you ( as painful as it is).
Don't go back straight into another relationship cause you need time to recover
xSiFiGamer2016x · 22-25, M
If you keep worrying about your ex, you'll end up physically and mentally ill. There's an "ex" for a reason. Ghosting is one thing, and blocking is just signaling you that it's truly over for that relationship. Time to move on. Focus on yourself in life, don't give her the time of day.

I know how you feel, though. Took me a while to move on from my past relationships. It's gonna hurt for many, but there are other fishes in the sea.

And here's the thing. If she ever decides to unblock you and talk to you, then don't even bother replying back. She did show you that she was a good listener, so don't listen to her IF she ever decides to talk to you again. Dating is very problematic now, based from what I've heard, seen, and in my experiences. You can either find a new girlfriend who truly understands you, or stay single and live a good life. The choice is yours, but I'd prefer single to have a sense of self respect.

As for you saying something "insensitive", what do you really mean by that? Anything can be insensitive, but what?
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
Ex is ex for a reason - NEVER go back!
Starguy · 26-30, M
If she's willing to drop everything you two built over something trivial then forget her man. Even if she comes back, she will just drop you again over something else small.
Find someone else who wont go batshit crazy so easily.
saintsong · 41-45, F
It's okay to cry, it's cleansing for the soul....Let's be real here, you know that you have to let her go...It's okay to think about her and cherish her memory. But don't try to contact her, move on with your life..Over is over. I'm sorry but there is no way around it.
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TheMasterMan1 · 22-25, M
@HeartlessLove Did I mention the fact this has happened twice before and each time she eventually comes back? It's always on her timing, where I have to play by her rules which can be at times unfair since there would be times I wouldn't hear from her in days after having a close moment together or talk about something important. That is not equal. Yet I still stuck with her & knew her worth. I did everything I possibly can for this woman. The last time we spoke, she made it sound as if we were going to speak again as she asked me to do something for her. Yet she's blocked me since then, with no closure or anything, disregarding my own hurt feelings. What about my worth? I respect hers only as far as she is willing to respect mine.
@TheMasterMan1 shes a pro.
TheMasterMan1 · 22-25, M
@HeartlessLove Lol I see your angle now xD
Confined · 56-60, M
Walking away is hard to do, but you need to walk away. No contact, dont talk about her. You are young you will find some one better.
TheMasterMan1 · 22-25, M
@Confined All I feel right now is anger and hurt. There's nobody like her on this entire earth.... I wish it was easier to simply just walk away. She makes it look so easy.....
TakeCare87 · 36-40, M
@TheMasterMan1 That's the love talking. You grew attached to her, it's going to take time. Possibly half as long as you were together so there's still a lot of pain to endure, but you have no choice but to.
If she's going to leave you over something like that maybe it's not meant to be because people are going to disagree.
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
I was hooked on a girl like that once. I had to move to another country before I completely forgot all about her.
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
Do you really wanna know? And can you do what it takes?
TrashCat · M
Go out and get laid
Thats all i got
kutee · T
go and see her in person
empanadas · 31-35, M
Meet new people and go to more places that you normally wouldn't.
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JamesBugman · 56-60, T
@uncalled4 Also she is probably wanting to date someone else, that is why she does this from time to time. She has other plans that do not include you. Count yourself lucky you didn't marry her.
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