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Can we stop over using the word Gold digger and narcissist. Ok thank you bye.

Because I got called a gold digger just for asking my date who asked me if I needed anything for a 9.00 bowl of soup. This is scary times. I just want to vent about my little silly life. It’s never that serious. Today I bought my own lunch and it came out to be 24$. If anyone’s wondering I’m expensive on my own. 😂😂😂😂
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Howudoin · 46-50, M
Who pays $9 for a bowl of soup? SOUP! it's effing water with a few bits of flavor infused. Eh, inflation and wage costs I guess.
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@OogieBoogie Oh my gosh really you have cans of soup you must feel so superior than all the other girls. Wow hope you get picked.
@Lexiitexii why are you being so awful ?
What did I do to make you want to be so mean?

All I tried to do was offer advice that might help you next time youre sick 🤷
@Lexiitexii and rather than criticise you, I explained why others were saying what they did because of standard etiquette that it seemed you werent aware of .

And now you go all sarcastic on me ?
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Nah nah nah, you said you asked him for money and to do your laundry. WAY different than JUST asking for ONE bowl of soup.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@Lexiitexii I could give a shit if it were a man or a woman. If you had asked a female coworker you didn't know well for money or to do your laundry, I guess I'd expect you to be so sick you couldn't even SW. Honestly I just think you use people by the way you have portrayed yourself.
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@Starcrossed idc what you think lol. I spend more on my family and friends and self and I can’t use a guy who has less than me. To even be w/ me I need a guy who is able to do as much for me as I do for myself and others. Don’t like my standards then gtfo my page. Clearly my past post showed how much I exhaust myself and resources helping others that it’s nice to finally be the one getting help, the sad part is I’m severely sick probably on my way to hospital soon and y’all are mad a guy offered to help me and he did by the way once he picked from the 3 little thI he I asked for. Idc what you think plenty people have used me for way more than soup and sick ppl food, 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 fk off
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
"y’all are mad a guy offered to help me" not at all, not sure where you got that because I don't see anyone ever expressed that. No one thought you shouldn't have appropriate help when your sick. No one said that it was wrong to respond to his ask if he could help you "yes, here's how you could do that." No one is "mad" at you, so stop projecting that on to us.

In your previous post, you asked if it was wrong to feel annoyed when someone you didnt know declined to do your laundry and give you money so you didn't have to work. Someone you aren't even in a relationship with. Several people explained how you behaved outside of social norms to the man you barely knew. Then you misrepresented the collective negative responses to that post in this post. 🙄
Fk off indeed.
I don't think they were calling you that coz you asked for soup.
They were shocked that you asked someone you barely know, to do your laundry and asked for money 🤷
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@OogieBoogie He asked what I wanted also he brought me hella gifts on the first date and asked me what I wanted w/o me having to ask. Don’t like it oh well. He also bought my food once he explained what he could do out of the 3 things I asked for.
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@OogieBoogie what’s the part everyone is missing he asked me what I wanted. I never begged. I never asked him he asked me.
@Lexiitexii true, true- he did.
And it was a kindness .
And you could have been gracious about it.

The thing is - there are unspoken protocols and etiquette in these situations. Generally, when a kindness like this is given - the protocol is to accept the very minimal of what you need - and no more.

The second etiquette faux pas you made was to ask for money. That's a huge no no .
That's crossing an unspoken boundary.
If I was to be blunt - it was rude .

Had you had a more familiar/personal or longstanding relationship with this person - those protocls could have been loosened to be more personal - but this wasn't the case, so the more formal
etiquette is followed.

.....we live and learn.
If we don't make mistakes, how can we learn to be better?🤷

I can see it's not your fault you didn't know these things.
These things are taught. They are subtleties of social graces not everyone gets exposed to learning .
BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M
Im curious ..

Did you find any gold when you got to the bottom of the soup bowl ?? .just looking for some added irony to give this post a dash of pinash ..
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@BobbyMoeven ohhh yeahhh when I jumped through the soup portal I came out on pile of gold.
Was that all you asked for? If so, I hardly think that makes you either one of those things...

Dating can be hard, especially today. So sorry sweetie :(
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@GohantheThird yeah you can tell they all trying so hard they going end up alone. I’m happy being alone cause I know I’m my true self. They are going to be alone and realise they were blessed to meet so many amazing women but were listening to some d*ck head on YouTube and missed out.
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@GohantheThird One red Flagg is chasing me down asking me what I want telling me how amazing I am to my face then, trying to fall back so that I will chase you. Such weirdos
@Lexiitexii that's rough, buddy
dale74 · M
Heck I went to the taco truck today got a couple of street tacos and spent 15 bucks
strait46 · 46-50, M
9$ gasp boil yourself tea
the term is not "over" used most western women want "financial stability" precisely a gold digger... followd by monthly alimony money. as planned before the wedding.
Howudoin · 46-50, M
@strait46 I might be in those very cross hairs right now...🫥
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@strait46 your a incel I. Have my own place he doesn’t I have my own money I have a newer car than him and he asked me what he can do for me. Losers just using my post to attack women because yes most men want to do things for a woman they like.
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Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@SomeMichGuy he has a old bmw I have a newer car than him. Lmaooo
@Lexiitexii Yes, you said that. But old Mercedes, BMW, Porsche, etc., autos are often seen as a status symbol and valued well.
jehova · 31-35, M
Sweet jeebus i eat ramen most meals
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@Elisbch *gasoline
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@Elisbch My, aren't you the articulate reject.
Whoa whoa
Calm down with the soup 😮
Elessar · 26-30, M
"Narcissist" is the new "resilience" or even "Blockchain" if you want 🤔
Inflation. Hate it.
i agree w this message. and ur previous post. you did nothing wrong imo.
Renaci · 36-40
You should be glad for what you do get. Lol Drama llama 🤣
empanadas · 31-35, M
Dude sounds broke
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@empanadas I don’t think it’s him being broke I think he has trust issues, he bought me food but made me drive to him to go out and pick up food while I’m sick and he asked me if I need anything. Straight weird. The only reason I went was because it was on my way home, and I’m sick and didn’t want to cook.
strait46 · 46-50, M
@Lexiitexii odd story you could order FOOD DELIVERY
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@strait46 funny story he asked me what I wanted so I told him and got what I wanted in the end
I only call people that who deserve to be called that, Meghan Markle is a gold digger and a narcissist, all You did was ask for some soup when he asked, then failed to follow up on doing so, then made YOU drive over to HIS place when You still weren't feeling well. So those who called You that owe You an apology.
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@NativePortlander1970 exactly like how am I a gold digger for speaking up for what I need. I should be a gold digger maybe I won’t have to drive to get the soup. Maybe I can take a private Jet and ask them to prepare soup.
@Lexiitexii I'll get the Gulfstream :)
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