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He doesn’t trust me cause his ex was a liar?

I hate when someone takes out things they ex did on the next person they talk to. I think imma distance myself from this guy cause he going joke around about my whereabouts last night like I was lieing and then tell me hates lairs so I screens shot my work time in and out to prove I wasn’t lieing. But I might have to cut him off cause I don’t feel like explaining how this can lead to horrible behavior: me constantly having to prove myself and I really liked him too he was good looking nice and I was very attracted but idk about always proving I’m not lieing.
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BlueVeins · 22-25
Yyyeah, bringing baggage into a relationship and making it your SO's problem is pretty high on my list of not-cool behavior.
MrPerditus1 · 61-69, M
I can tell you from first hand experience that if they have a hang up from another relationship it'll be hard to get them to break it. My experience wasn't about lies, but about her ex was a drug addict that would pawn her things to get money for drugs. I have never done them and never pawned anything of mine, let alone stealing from someone else. But every time something would be misplaced, she'd accuse me, then find it later that day or the next. Never once apologizing for the false accusations. This went on and off for years. I just thought it would stop at some point. It didn't.

Being away from that has made things so much better. If you can't talk to him and get him to stop, it probably won't stop at all. Joking or not, it's still going to eat at you.
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
This will go nowhere. Nip that in the bud now.
Iwillwait · M
I honestly think you're picking up cues of a looming issue soon to be a mushroom cloud in the horizon.

This feels like you're being led into a relationship with someone who is so damaged, that they're seeking a hostage.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Need to set him straight and if he keeps that up then break up. It is energy-sucking to deal with someone with issues like that.
If he's not over his ex then he needs to stop wasting your time and giving you grief.. Types like that just get more psycho and controlling
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
I'd call it quits now.sorry to hear it.
summersong · F
That’s a disaster waiting to happen.
AlyAngel · F
Better get out while you can
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@loveallot12] it really sounds like this guy has been hurt in a previous relationship . until he straightens his head out no relationship after is going to work i am afraid it sounds like you are a scapegoat for what has gone before
girl i’d just leave. i’ve learned sticking around for someone who hasn’t healed is pointless.
Major red flags.
I'd stay well away from anyone who's as paranoid as that.
They turn out to be possessive, jealous, controlling, abusive and downright dangerous.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
I would cut him lose
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uncalled4 · 56-60, M
His ex may(or may not) have lied to him. Even if she did, that's not your damn problem. Distancing would be a great idea.

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