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What do you think about women abusing men?

Why some men force themselves to stay in an unhappy marriage? Especially abusive ones? Such men are suffering in silence. They have nowhere to go because they are afraid to be a laughing stock.
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CestManan · 46-50, F
Probably afraid of losing too much money in a divorce.
I think it’s a serious issue and should be treated as one. We should be normalizing the conversation to help people.
You answered your own question. They feel they won't be taking seriously 😔
Zoranna · F
Abuse is a two way street and not gender specific. Abuse of women is more prevalent though so tends to get more attention. Societal conditioning is part of the cause I feel.
helensusanswift · 31-35, F
Every bit as bad as men abusing women. Except there are no refuges for men. I think many men suffer emotional and verbal abuse in marriages without retaliating.
Any abuse is terrible. Sadly, people have it in their mind that men are to be strong, tough, alpha males, etc. Whereas women are to be docile, weak, feminine, etc. They don't realize that not every man or woman fits this picture. But because of this mindset some people might not believe the victim when he talks about the times his wife/girlfriend abused him.
I think it's partly due to feminism. When men abandon their families, they're called deadbeats, when women do it, they're called strong women.
Tobias7 · 41-45, M
@SW-User absolutely true. Most times they get all benefits of a breakup they caused and the men are left with nothing .
JacksonBlue · 36-40, M
Its not always that easy. For example generally women get custody of children. Do they want to accept the abuse or potentially lose access to their kids. Its sad but its the reality of the situation.

Either way abuse is wrong.
Darkmare · 36-40, F
@JacksonBlue My friend is suffering from this. Not physically but verbally and emotionally. He strongly told me not to do anything or he'd lose the kids. But what's the point? The kids are losing respect on him because of what they have been seeing over the years 😐 it's really a tricky situation
I think because of how society views men and women, it's almost as though men can't possible be the one who is abused and those men are viewed as something wrong with them. Its hard for them to find somewhere to go to offer support and no judgement.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
It affects every aspect of your life.
You take it and take it because you realise if you leave what position does that put your children in ?

I ended up trying to use make-up to cover cuts and bruises.
I had permenant pain in my neck due to nerve damage from where i'd been beaten in my sleep. And all this while still trying to hold down a full time job and pay our family bills every month.
CestManan · 46-50, F
If the man fights back even once, that would be the LAST time she tried anything.
Yes. Some women think that the men should always listen to that women and if they don't they complaint against them to the police.
Do you mean lie? @SW-User
@Spoiledbrat for real.
Because people don’t talk about men being abused frequently enough, so they’re ashamed and scared.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
Probably because they're afraid of judgment, men are seen as stronger so they don't know if they'll be taken seriously.
Tbey should just leave and say their wife was intense lol
Torsten · 36-40, M
I was in one once and I would just take it. She never really could hurt me much physically and boy did she try, but I put up with it because well to be blunt, she was amazing in bed.

there isn't any help out there for men with this and the thing that annoys me over it is that if I ever would have defended myself, I would have been arrested for it. police will most always take the side of the female.

im not going to act like I was suffering though and all that shit because I was only with her because I was dealing with other things in my life and she distracted me
If you would have defended yourself but hurting her more than she hurt you thst would be why. You can always defend yourself. @Torsten
Torsten · 36-40, M
@Spoiledbrat that's easy to say and doing that in the heat of the moment if defending yourself is two different things. If she hit me say 5 times and I pushed her back and by doing so she falls and hits her head, I would have been arrested. It would have been unintentional and under self defence but do you think she would just agree to that when police are over after she calls em. nah, she would make herself out to be victim and im screwed.
Men no matter what get screwed over in these type of situations when they are the abused
JBird · F
It has do to with toxic masculinity. Men are supposed to have a power over women and encouraged to put them under control over violence. If they don't, they're considered pussies by other men. They can't ask for help without being shamed. It goes both ways
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
It's equally as shitty as men abusing women.

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