Northwest · M
What's the point? Is she in love with you? If not, then you would only be getting yourself stuck.
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DutchGravitas · 41-45, M
That’s not really the case though. She looks at me when I’m not looking at her at all. I don’t even pay attention (most of the time) anyways. She has a Boyfriend, so I’m not going to do anything towards her, even though I want to. I can’t because I know better than that. Besides, I’ve even decided to completely give up because of my Ex decided to betray her own trust and cheat on me.
Northwest · M
@DutchGravitas How's your ex cheating on you, related to how another woman may feel about you?
bijouxbroussard · F
@Northwest This woman already has a boyfriend. Since he knows how it feels to be cheated on, I’m guessing he gets that possibly helping another woman cheat isn’t very honorable.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
If she is already with someone else then my advice to you is let it go. If you express your feelings to her it may have the opposite effect you hope for and even be a negative one too. It could completely change her attitudes toward you...she could end up repulsed by you, and she could make it known to your supervisors as well as her SO. Like you said, it could be a dangerous thing to do. Keep your distance, move on and try to find another object of your affections.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
It just occurred to me...IF she is looking at you and sending signals as you say/think she is, and she is already taken...she could very well be a person with cheating on her mind.
DutchGravitas · 41-45, M
My biggest pet peeve when it comes to women cheating on their boyfriends or husband, It’s absolutely disloyal and dishonest. Plus, I’m not going to be the rebound guy, even if she wants me to. With or without of confiding in me. I won’t do it. If she really wants the chase, she’s got one and she’s is going to have to work extremely hard for it. I don’t even care how long it takes. If she has problems or issues with her relationship, she has to fix them herself. Cheating is not a good way to accomplish that.
Salix75 · 46-50, F
why set yourself up for getting knocked back?
especially as it's a work place which could make things awkward in the future
especially as it's a work place which could make things awkward in the future

No reason
bijouxbroussard · F
Her being “already taken” is the best reason in the world not to get involved. Why complicate both your lives ?