A girlfriend is one with whom a man has a semi-serious relationship. He might care about his girlfriend, or eventually come to love her. She is a candidate for a wife, but he is not willing to commit to that sort of permanent relationship with her because he is unsure of his feelings. A girlfriend is usually there for fun times.
A man will eventually ask his girlfriend to become his fiancee if he finds that he loves her, and if she is "the one" for him. And his fiancee is the one he may or may not eventually make his wife.
A wife is one to whom a husband has made a commitment, realizing that he loves her and wants to spend every day of his life with her. He wants her to be the mother of his children, his partner, and his mate for life, and she is the one he wants beside him when he dies.
A man will eventually ask his girlfriend to become his fiancee if he finds that he loves her, and if she is "the one" for him. And his fiancee is the one he may or may not eventually make his wife.
A wife is one to whom a husband has made a commitment, realizing that he loves her and wants to spend every day of his life with her. He wants her to be the mother of his children, his partner, and his mate for life, and she is the one he wants beside him when he dies.
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4meAndyou · F
@Ladybutterfly Thank you for best answer. 🤗
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Ladybutterfly · 31-35, F
@4meAndyou 🧡🧡❤️👍️
kartoffelkopf2 · 36-40, M
girlfriends can’t take half your money at the end of it all
Ladybutterfly · 31-35, F
@kartoffelkopf2 😵😷😭
losing everything lol
TheLoveAge · 36-40, F
BiasForAction · M
one is wearing a wedding ring
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
A piece of paper
GlassDog · 46-50, M
Never been married but when my best friend got married, he said that even though they'd been living together for five years, it changed everything. Unfortunately, he's not good enough with words to be able to describe it in any more detail than that.
jaymic64 · M
The whole marriage bit
indyjoe · 56-60, M
I don't see a difference...no matter how long we are married or how old we get, my wife will always still be my girlfriend (that cute sweet good-looking girl I first fell in love with).😉👍️
Montanaman · M
An official piece of paper and wedding vows. Wedding ring vs. promise ring.
Houdini · 56-60, M
I don’t think there is any I’ve had a wife before and now I live with my girlfriend it’s still the same
5thApprentice · 31-35, M
One can take half of what you own easier than the other?
One the government is involved. The other had a marriage license.
Can't say. Didn't ever had any.
Ladybutterfly · 31-35, F
Jake966 · 56-60, M
Wife is a committed relationship , girlfriend is a special friend
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Ladybutterfly · 31-35, F
@Greenbare Well said👍️👏👏👏😍🤪
CoolInferno · 31-35, M
We run for Girlfriend :)
We run from wife :P
We run from wife :P
Ladybutterfly · 31-35, F
@CoolInferno 🤪

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MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Lifetime commitment and obligations. Staying together and raising children. It's for better or worse with your spouse. All day every day. 🙂

Sex life
Ladybutterfly · 31-35, F
@SW-User 😜
bijouxbroussard · F
The wife is legally his family in terms of property, insurance and decisions regarding his home and health. A girlfriend has less legal standing than his adult children or even his parents, as my friend found out when her boyfriend of 13 years became gravely ill.
Hoosierxdaddy62 · 61-69, M
About 40 pounds and willingness to do oral sex