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Should I break up with my boyfriend?

He says he prefers girls with big boobs and who are fit. I have small boobs and I鈥檓 not in the best shape. Shouldn鈥檛 he be with someone who has the things that he wants?
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MarkPaul26-30, M
Or... you could give him what he wants.
@MarkPaul That is ridiculous.
ViciDraco36-40, M
@MarkPaul That's absurd. If she wants to get fit for herself, that's fine but not to please a man. As for surgically altering appearances, it's better to just move on.
MartinTheFirst26-30, M
@ViciDraco I don't see any issue with keeping yourself fit for your partner. lol.
@MarkPaul Baloney. 馃槧
MarkPaul26-30, M
@bijouxbroussard Now, simmer down. This idea that there is something wrong with wanting to look good for your partner is literally crazy talk. If you have zero interest in your partner's interests, then maybe you shouldn't have a partner.
@MarkPaul You shouldn't have to change yourself to be valued by your partner.
StrangeDisaster31-35, F
I could get fit, yes. But I鈥檓 not getting plastic surgery. @MarkPaul
@MarkPaul And if you don鈥檛 like how your partner looks, choose one more to your liking. And let her go to someone who appreciates her. Thankfully, not everyone has the same tastes.
MarkPaul26-30, M
@SW-User You don't HAVE to change yourself, but you should consider what your partner wants, likes, etc. And, if you are opposed to never changing, then maybe you don't belong in a relationship.
@StrangeDisaster If you get fit, do it for YOU!
@MarkPaul And so why in the hell is he with someone he doesn't like to begin with? I've been in very stable, healthy relationship for six years. I know how it works.
@SW-User Thank you ! That鈥檚 ridiculous.
MarkPaul26-30, M
@SW-User It doesn't sound like he doesn't like her. It sounds like he is communicating (COMMUNICATING) what is on his mind. If you are so fragile you can't handle the truth without feeling violated and like the only alternative is to end the relationship, then any relationship is most likely not going to be satisfying to you.
@bijouxbroussard I went through someone treating me that way. It was horrible. And the funny thing is, he was no model!
@MarkPaul What complete and utter bullshit. Look, I went through it! I am so grateful to be with someone who truly loves me no matter what.
@SW-User I went through that, too. And the funny thing is, guys often complain that women go into relationships expecting to change men. Crazy.
MarkPaul26-30, M
@SW-User How do you know? He's probably afraid to tell you what is on his mind. And, the fact that you think he would be disrespecting you because he wants you to be in shape is worse than bullshit.
@MarkPaul Just because you don鈥檛 like women doesn鈥檛 mean all men don鈥檛.
@MarkPaul WTF? How do you know what kind of shape either ONE of us is in? You have no clue what my boyfriend and I share. Not a fucking clue. How sad for you.
@bijouxbroussard Anyone who does that to another person is a piece of shit.
MarkPaul26-30, M
@SW-User No! How sad for you that you are personalizing this in such an extreme way. NEWSFLASH... this isn't specifically about you and your relationship. The idea about being in shape is part of the original premise from the original post. That is what prompted her original question. So, get your emotions in check and let me know when you are ready to re-enter the conversation.
@MarkPaul I am speaking about something I KNOW about. Do you? Have you ever been through it? Are you in a happy relationship? I can comment however I want, you don't have to like it.
MarkPaul26-30, M
@SW-User It sounds like you have more invested in this then you are willing to let on. A relationship is all about two people sharing what is on their minds. And, if you can't see that, if you can't do that, if you can't get beyond that, then all your self-praise about your experience isn't worth a damn.

It sounds like you want and can only enjoy a relationship where your beloved only tells you what you want to hear. Good luck with that, sweetie.
@MarkPaul Yeah, like I said, I'm good. There is NO communication issue in my relationship. I think I've been around a bit longer than you little boy. But for some reason, you think you know what my relationship is like. How arrogant and foolish you are. And I guess everyone else here who agrees with how I feel is in a "fake relationship" too huh?
MarkPaul26-30, M
@SW-User 馃う It sounds like you have some serious relationship issues, tbh. You don't want your partner to tell you what he really thinks; instead you just want him to love you for who and want you are, just the way you are and never with even a hint of (human) desire for anything more, different, or else. Are you sure you are not in a relationship with a store-bought greeting card?