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staying friends with a female who rejected me, but begged me to stay friends with her twice after leading me on by saying I'm the perfect guy...

,she has always found me attractive, and she wants to find someone as good as me...To top it off, she's started to date other guys after saying she still only has feelings for her ex which was her reason that she didn't want to date or mess around. I'm happy she's healing, but the emotional cost to me has been unbearable for some time now and has lead to unhealthy coping habits. Not to mention I'm now training her at the gym and she constantly keeps in contact online and wants to hang out...but only when it's convenient for her. What would you do in this situation?
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Jester · 31-35, M
Thank you everyone for your input. Seeing your insights makes me feel a tad bit saner since I was starting to go crazy thinking I was in the wrong for wanting to end our friendship. Unfortunately, I eventually ended up letting my insecurities get the best of me since my self-esteem was already pretty low when we first started talking due to other circumstances. As time went on, I stopped working on myself and invested in her which lead to it progressively getting lower as the person who put me on a pedestal started to act deceptive in nature. I think the biggest mind fuck of this entire situation for me, however, has to be how she told me in the beginning that she wasn't going to show feelings towards me because doing so would be wrong since she only has feelings for her ex, but then constantly says things to lead me on while stating that she doesn't want to lead me on and that I should move on to someone else, but wants to remain my friend and hang out. I honestly don't think I've ever experienced literal mixed signals in this manner. The only thing I can take away from this is that she is a good person, but must be deeply confused or she's a manipulative person and I herp a derped. This is the abridged version of the situation and only my side obviously, but I'm currently trying to reflect on this situation as a whole to see it for what it really is, learn from it, and hopefully find a silver lining. Any recommendations on what I should take away from this? I know this paragraph is poorly written and I apologize for that being the case, but holy shit it's really difficult to think clearly with all these emotions running through me.
revenant · F
@Jester work on yourself please and do not be manipulated with soft words..
SeaBreeze · 51-55, F
@Jester Im glad you asked the question and got a lot of input here. Sometimes it's hard to see a situation for what it is when you are so deep in it. Good luck. 💙
Jester · 31-35, M
@SeaBreeze I'm extremely glad as well that all of these awesome people were willing to take some time out of their day to share their opinion or at the least hear me out. I greatly appreciate it and couldn't agree more haha Thank you!
She doesn't want to be friends, she wants to be an anchor. Most likely she's keeping you in a holding pattern as a "just in case" option, something I've seen in some women's relationships. If I were you I'd keep it only professional as much as you can.
Jester · 31-35, M
@EllaDisenchanted I have a feeling this is the case as well, but now that I'm starting to get my life back together I can say I know my worth again and that being an "option" for someone is beneath me when I'm constantly giving them my heart and soul to make them happy. Thank you for your input ^-^
@Jester Fighting spirit, that'll keep you above water there. Yep. No need to stoop to her games.
Jester · 31-35, M
@EllaDisenchanted Thank you so much for your time. Reading that made me feel a lot better about myself since I felt like I was in the wrong for wanting to walk away :)
SeaBreeze · 51-55, F
My advice is to cut ties completely, otherwise you'll always be attached to her and won't be able to move on.

But, I would ask you...what would you tell your brother or best friend to do if they were in the same situation? Then, do that. 💙
Leafkiss · 26-30, F
Don't let your heart give in anymore. It is probably best not to get in contact with her.
At this point, if it is affecting you negatively, then it doesn't matter how she begs you or what her reasons are doing for what she does. You need to get out of it to heal yourself.
Don't be someones safe harbour only to be used when all their other options are dry.
I'd dump her. She seems to be using you as you already seem to understand that it 'convenient' for her. You deserve to be with someone that isn't going to make you feel emotionally drained. She can't have her cake and eat it and you will eventually start to spite her. So walk away for your own health.
Date someone else and tell her you can’t hang out with her anymore.
SW-User need to put just a little distance there.
There are givers
And there are takers.

🤔She's seems like a professional
Jester · 31-35, M
@SW-User I agree that I need to put some distance between us. One of the many things that hurts the most is that I constantly heard about her past through the rumor mill of her behaving like this but didn't want to judge since I felt that was unfair to her. Another thing that bothers me is that it also cost me a friendship when another female friend who had a crush on me. She half-heartedly warned me that the girl I liked was known for doing this partially to sabotage any chance of a relationship developing but also to protect my idiotic ass from getting into this situation. LOL I hope we evolve to have telepathic powers in some manner before I die. I would love to see the thoughts behind her actions
You, kind and fair.

But you deserve better
And I hope one get it and ALL this will become clear to you.

Good luck🤗
Jester · 31-35, M
You seem pretty damn awesome yourself! Thank you so much for the kind words and taking the time to reply. Have a wonderful night 🤗
YouCanCallMeDan · 41-45, M
You should get a tattoo on your head that says “mug”
Jester · 31-35, M
@YouCanCallMeDan lmfao xD I like your attitude brother haha
She wants to be your friend. No more. Where’s the probelm? She gave you a compliment when she said you were perfect and attractive.
Jester · 31-35, M
@SW-User As much as I appreciate the compliment, it complicates things since I always had a crush on her, but didn't act on it out of respect for her relationship. Three months after her ex-dumped her she asked me out on a date which went extremely well until the romantic gestures started to remind her of her ex (she ended up telling me this later on after we became friends). Not to mention the poor dear ended up asking me, "how long does it take to move on from a long-term relationship because she really wanted to" about an hour into our date. 2/3 into the date (was about 5 hours long) after sharing a lot of laughs and having fun she turned cold and wanted to go home. I called her a couple of days later to apologize if I came on too strong and to tell her I wanted to be there for her (I would never leave anyone to suffer alone because I know how horrible it is) even if it was only as a friend (this still makes me feel terrible to this day, because in hindsight I feel like I deceived her by telling her this). Honestly, I think we both wanted everything to work, but trying to be "just" her friend when she's constantly praising me and I have a crush on her was brutal and eventually lead to me trying to push for more while trying to balance being sensitive to her getting over her ex. We eventually became extremely close and my low self-esteem + other suitors who found her attractive and vice versa started to get the best of me. I wanted her to show me some sort of affection so I knew she was committed to me(I realized this was asking a lot since she was coming out of an on again off again 6-year relationship) to some extent and that I wasn't giving her all of my time in vein (far beyond what I would give to any of my other friends {time, travel, money, food, gym membership, being her personal trainer] even though I love all of them and have been there for them during difficult times) while she was just using me until she healed and could move on.
Cannabro · 36-40, M
Similar situation here too... I just walked away and rejected her friendship. Hurt me a lot because I really liked her
Gamer. Get it and walk away or stay in the friend zone.
Jester · 31-35, M
@SW-User Not my style amigo. I'm not sure if it's because I'm older now or that perhaps I always preferred sex in a relationship over the old wham, bam, thank you, ma'am haha but I'm looking for my equal in life who wants to embrace everything the world has to offer with me by trying new things, traveling, supporting each other emotionally, and just being an overall kickass team who wants to explore each other's sexual desires without bounds. For me, personally, sex without a relationship feels like a waste of time.
Jester · 31-35, M
The "friendzone", if it does exist is brutal though xD
Get rid of her! She will eat away at your manhood and your confidence the longer she leads you On!
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Jester · 31-35, M
sent ya a pm @Sturmfrei if you're interested to talk about this topic in-depth so we can both vent and learn ^-^
revenant · F
don't be her dog. She has already crushed you.

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