Sidewinder · 36-40, M
As a rule, I write utilizing proper grammar.
Most of the time, when I do happen to be emphatic in a written statement, that's when I would resort to spelling what I emphasize in all uppercase lettering.
Most of the time, when I do happen to be emphatic in a written statement, that's when I would resort to spelling what I emphasize in all uppercase lettering.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
No, I would think that they usually have some vision problems.
I like to catch the Caps lock on my keyboard in mid-scentence... usually after an "A" or an "S".
slorollin · 41-45, M
I just always wonder why they're yelling lol
seaglass · F
Only @CountScrofula can get away without sounding unhinged
deadgerbil · 26-30, M