Spoiledbrat · F
The Dark Tower.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
The one with a giant bird flying turned upside down and a dude writing a book in a stick house above the sea. I forgot the name of the book. It was atmospheric.
But I also liked Under the dome, Firestarter, The Dead Zone, Carrie and Pet Sematary
But I also liked Under the dome, Firestarter, The Dead Zone, Carrie and Pet Sematary

Storm of the Century, the tv miniseries based on it was a mind scramble
Djofull · 46-50, M
I would have loved seeing scenes from the book in the movie, they were really creepy.
I would have loved seeing scenes from the book in the movie, they were really creepy.
Piper · 61-69, F
Aside from his serial novel The Green Mile, it's a toss-up between 11/22/63 and The Dead Zone. Why? Kind of hard to explain, really. The concept of being able alter history and if this would actually alter it for the better, is one I find interesting. So is being able to foresee a future event, and the moral conflict that would bring.
There are no novels Stephen King has written, that I haven't enjoyed reading.
There are no novels Stephen King has written, that I haven't enjoyed reading.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
IT. The level of intricacy King put into the book is phenomenal.
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robertsnj · 56-60, M
wow he wrote so many. have not read one in decades. I am Shining fan though. Love the intricacy of the storyline and the character development. I admire on a whole, how dedicated he is to his craft.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
The Green Mile...I like the diversity in the characters and the way the story unfolds and its not what you were expecting.

@Primnproper I might try that one, and read it in Spain.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
I'd say the film adaptations of some of his books were among the best.
Carrie was pretty good.
The Shining was great.
But my personal favorite was Cat's Eye, which was an adaptation of two of King's novellas, Quitters Inc, and The Ledge, with the third act, The General being an original idea for the film.
And even with all three acts in Cat's Eye being their own seperate story, they are all connected by having a stray cat as it's central character.
Carrie was pretty good.
The Shining was great.
But my personal favorite was Cat's Eye, which was an adaptation of two of King's novellas, Quitters Inc, and The Ledge, with the third act, The General being an original idea for the film.
And even with all three acts in Cat's Eye being their own seperate story, they are all connected by having a stray cat as it's central character.
Shadyglow · F
so engaging and quirky and strange and perceptive well written and so sad... Loved it!
so engaging and quirky and strange and perceptive well written and so sad... Loved it!

Pet Sematary, because... I dunno. I think because the parts with Zelda gave me the heebie jeebies. That book was scary to me when I read it, and I couldn't put it down.
QueenOfZaun · 26-30, F
I always thought Christine was an interesting read.
slorollin · 41-45, M
Duma Key
It was just different from his stuff he normally wrote.
It was just different from his stuff he normally wrote.
The stand
The green mile
Great reads.
The green mile
Great reads.
bijouxbroussard · F
It’s between The Shining & The Dead Zone. I loved both novels, but am split on the movies. Hate Kubrick’s version of the Shining, but thought Cronenberg did The Dead Zone justice.

I’m going with Dr Sleep. Mainly because Ive seen the film. Rebecca Ferguson was brilliant as Rose the Hat.

The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, such a great and scary story.
morrgin · F
I read The Stand
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
Dark tower..
Just cause
Just cause
JezUK · 31-35, M
Misery. Friend gave it to me, told her I read it ( which I did) but damn.
@Musicman [media=https://youtu.be/6uIscW3Ircw]
@NativePortlander1970 That was awesome! Thank you very much 🙂
@Musicman You're so very welcome, I have been watching Minty since he started.
His short story the Long Walk, it delves into the reasoning for revenge.