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Orwell's '1984' Was THE Most Depressing Book I've Ever Read!

And I've read some really depressing novels over the years.
I just do not understand the popularity of it. It's not just depressing, it's positively dangerous for those who happen to be undergoing any kind of trauma or personal tragedy, for it's the kind of story that literally drains one of all hope for the future. People who are suicidal should stay far, far away from it.
I first read the novel when I was in high school, when I was 14, and at the time I was already confused and depressed. Reading that book almost pushed me over the edge, and it's nothing short of a miracle that I managed to get through adolescence. Why do teachers recommend their students read this? Why is it part (or was part?) of the curriculum?
Axelerator · 26-30, M
It depends on how you look at the book as well.

Yes the book is depressing all round, both with the world and the people in it, but Orwell is a smart guy and he wrote it like that for a specific reason.

The reason is that he wanted everyone who read this to feel uncomfortable. He painted an extreme picture of a dystopian hellhole that we are headed towards right now, make no mistake.

Orwell felt that this topic was so important and knew that the only way to fight against all this misery is for people to see and be aware of it.

That’s why the book is so depressing and why there isn’t a happy ending for poor Winston.. because Orwell wanted you to feel so sick and angry and what is happening that you resist everything similar in real life.

In 1984 the game is over and the war for humanity is lost completely lost, just like the ending shows. We are not all lost yet and we still have a chance to avoid it.

I have great respect for Orwell and truly believe that if every person suffered through reading 1984, the world would not only move towards a better place, but we also have a chance of resisting this evil and preventing it from ever happening.

The book is for us to wake up and see the world for what it is and what it will become if we let it slide.

Sry for the wall but I’ve thought about this quite a bit since reading it.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@Axelerator All true, but it appears that some people in high places are treating it like an instruction manual.
Axelerator · 26-30, M
@DrScissorhands Exactly, as my person who is angry, aware and skeptical of the looming danger is much much harder to control and manipulate.
Axelerator · 26-30, M
@Bellatrix2024 This is both true and sad imo. The people who use it as a manual are truly the enemy of any free person and I’d say humanity in general, it’s truly vile, no matter what they tell themselves to feel justified.
Probably it’s depressing because it speaks of our todays reality … right??
Slade · 56-60, MVIP

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meJess · F
Used to be listed under dystopian future, now relocated to current events
Richard65 · M
1984 is prescient but Brave New World better resonates with the present.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@Richard65 Yes, I think so too. I've read that novel as well, and it's much closer to both the world we're actually in, and the kind of world I'd prefer if I only had those two choices (i.e. 1984 and Brave New World).
There is a similar storyline for a movie I use on occasion in my genetics classes, called GATTACA. It is to educate my students of ethics and civil responsibility in science.
Axelerator · 26-30, M
@DrScissorhands Tho a totally different movie in style and feel I’m a big fan of Gattaca too, really worth every watch.
@Bellatrix2024 I'd say both have more in common than you think. There's thematic similarities for instance in the kind of regimes, surveillance, and the consequences of giving too much power to a central authority.
@Axelerator It's a cinematic masterpiece in my opinion
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
It opened my eyes and really made me think about how I wanted to live my life. It also made me more aware of the world around me. I appreciate that it was required reading. As with most require books, they are meant to open our minds and make us comprehend ideas outside our bubble.
InHeaven · F
Ya, I think he was a freemason and its some predictive programming technique. They put out a plan to destroy us (masses) we “process” it, live it and relive it in our heads, our imagination and help them make it come true , co-create it with our power of thought. Same as TV 📺 right now and all the “ news” on it. The state ( same freemasons in government) are pushing it into kids heads through Department of Education curricula 🤷‍♀️
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
@gol979 Yes they want you to think that, kneel down and comply. In reality resistance can be very effective when you're fighting for your freedoms. The US came to be because of freedom fighters, rebels, patriots.
InHeaven · F
@gol979 if it worked that way then people would have resisted many things long time ago. No one is resisting anything everyone is swallowing and complying like a zombie with every little thing out there…. I recently came across a video of one old retired Russian secret service/KGB dude and he said something about “ creating a thought process network” in mass population to make things happen. And thats what they are doing. They are putting out the “truth” out there for us (but in reality their plan of destruction of all humanity) we watch/read it ( TV 📺 news, books) through our imagination we live it in our heads ( imagine those things happening, getting depressed from it — believing in it, feed the information with out emotions ( energy)). We visualize it as reality, the plot in the book plus other factors feeding it and some of it actually comes alive. Stop believing these freemasons… they are not out to save you with truth. If he was not a freemason his book would never been published let alone pushed into kids curricula to teach them to rise against the system…. by the system itself?
InHeaven · F
@Nitedoc ….the US came to be because of freemasons for freemasons. Created by them for them and milking all the regular tax payers…. to finance and support all their agendas, wars , crimes etc all around the world
Pfuzylogic · M
I was fortunate enough to live at the time that “Diamond Dogs” came out. I listened to the album by Bowie and then read the book. “We are the Dead” summarizes the lives of those living in the dystopian nightmare.
Men and Women were not allowed the passion of commitment to each other since that love belonged to Big Brother.
I am thankful that I didn’t confront the Novel in your context of depression but it sparked many of my imaginations of alternate realities.
Brave New World
Animal Farm

These were written to prepare you for what is coming...and for what is already here.
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
@BizSuitStacy I'm sure some do like George Soros and N.Korea's leader Kim.
@Nitedoc before they blew up the Georgia guide stones...

Nitedoc · 51-55, M
@BizSuitStacy I remember that!
For there is human learning within it, and this world promoting capitalism at the expense of people's life, no matter how we trample over, there is a value in empathy and conversation that maybe presents, this world doesn't need to be this way?
Why do teachers recommend their students read this?

So we don't end up where we're heading now.
@Bellatrix2024 Yeah, but it would be risky. And if the government catches you, it's off to the internment camp.
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Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@BohemianBoo I am free and I will stay that way. End of story, full stop!
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
There is no happy ending, but the messages about love and the strength of human will are quite uplifting.

But I agree, no idea why this is considered an essential text for teenagers.
smiler2012 · 56-60
@Bellatrix2024 🤷‍♂️fair enough that is your oipinion and i respect that but this is probably one of the most famous books ever written and read
Ferric67 · M
We are living 1984
MethDozer · M
It's not supposed to make you feel gUuD, kids are told to read it to educate them and give them perspective and to think critically of power. School is about educating, not giving you fluff to feel good about.

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