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Book worms?

I just acknowledge that i have a BIG problem. I have a LOT of books that i still haven't read lmao, but im still buying more every time i get my salary. So now i have a lot of unread books, no place to put them and no time to read them. Sooo tell me your favourite book and what is it about, i might buy it next time lmao
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LadyGrace · 70-79
Well I would loan you my favorite book, 'The Time Management Guide'... but I doubt you'd have time to finish it.
Rambler · 61-69, M
I would not say that's a problem, speaking as one who's accumulated several thousand books over the years and wants them all. Books are the furniture of your mind... it doesn't matter if you haven't read them all yet, but you should have them in case someday you will. (so much for free advice lol )

As to a favorite, it's impossible to say... there have been quite a few that have mattered, in different ways, at different times. You'll find yours.
Rambler · 61-69, M
@theomoono Sure... there are many possibilities, can you give me an idea of your interests ?
theomoono · 18-21
@Rambler i love detectives, sci-fi, romance but more in painful way haha, i just love bookd that will make me feel uncomfortable and uneasy.
Rambler · 61-69, M
@theomoono Hmmm... detectives, the L A Quartet by James Ellroy; or Raymond Chandler's classic books. For crime from the criminal's point of view, try the Parker novel series by Richard Stark. Sci-fi, I don't read a lot of it but my personal favorites are A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter Miller or The Martian by Andy Weir (also a good movie). :)
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
I sympathise.

My favourite novel of all time - O Caledonia, by Elspeth Barker.
theomoono · 18-21
@SunshineGirl i heard a lot about that one, now im completely sure that i need to read it! thank you!
Casheyane · 31-35, F
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, Cecila Ahern's Where Rainbows End, David Levithan's Everyday, The Bible (I love the Psalms and Proverbs).
I also enjoyed George Orwell's Animal Farm and of course, there's HP haha.
And quite a few more :)
But now I mostly read fanfics, so not a problem with the actual collecting space. As long as you can bookmark online.

What's on your list?
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
I can relate to gathering books you want to read but haven't got around to reading yet... As for my favourite, that is an impossible question to answer.
theomoono · 18-21
@Thevy29 haha, i see, maybe you can tell me couple of books that you still think about sometimes?
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
@theomoono I read The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit every two years, always finding something new.
I want to go home, by Gordon Korman. I read a couple of times a year. Usually after a book that I’m not ready to leave it’s world yet. It’s just a fun palate cleanser for my brain.
Red dog, they made a movie about it, not as good as the book.
The Art of Happiness, by the Dalai Lama.
The three musketeers, by Alexander Dumas. The second book, 20 years after. Has been on the shelf since January. Since I have been reading my way through The Stormlight series by Brandon Sanderson.
twistedrope · 26-30, M
My favorite book is... A mortals journey to immortality. It's a couple days worth of reading if you read it every hour of the day. Cool fantasy book about a guy who has the capacity to use magic powers wanting to be immortal and live forever so he just sort of, adventures to figure out what the hell he has to do to become it.

Best part, pretty much every time, if he doesn't know the answer, you as a reader don't know the answer. And in the world of the book, true power or the greatest strengths are secret. A lot of question of morality and relationships and such.
DocSavage · M
I have a similar problem collecting pulp reprints. Always looking for key stories. Buying from every used book store I run across.
Greyjedi · M
If we are talking single volume then The Loch, pretty self explanatory. That being said a Scottish scientist is reluctant to go home. It’s fiction.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
me too. let's get together and open a used bookshop.
theomoono · 18-21
@pancakeslam lets go, that was kind of a dream of mine to open a bookshop lmao
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
@theomoono yeah with ☕
Bang5luts · M
Not really. Cooties. Thanks though.

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