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Why? Why are Roald Dahl's books being rewritten??

I'm a woke lib, I admit it, 👨‍❤️‍👨👩‍❤️‍👩🌍 but this is going too far. Roald Dahl's beloved books are now being rewritten in places to remove remove language deemed offensive by the publisher, Puffin.

They have apparently hired "sensitivity readers" to rewrite chunks of the author’s text to make sure the books “can continue to be enjoyed by all today.”

These "small and carefully considered changes" are nothing of the sort; these changes will extensive across his entire work.

Such as:

The word “fat” has been cut from every new edition of relevant books, while the word “ugly” has also been culled. Augustus Gloop in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is now described as “enormous”. In The Twits, Mrs Twit is no longer “ugly and beastly” but just “beastly”.

In The Witches, a paragraph explaining that witches are bald beneath their wigs ends with the new line: “There are plenty of other reasons why women might wear wigs and there is certainly nothing wrong with that.” Oh, and the Witches can also be "top scientists or CEOs of multinational companies" rather than "cashiers in a supermarket" or "typing letters for a businessman"

In previous editions of James and the Giant Peach, the Centipede sings: “Aunt Sponge was terrifically fat / And tremendously flabby at that,” and, “Aunt Spiker was thin as a wire / And dry as a bone, only drier.”

Both verses have been removed, and in their place are the rhymes: “Aunt Sponge was a nasty old brute / And deserved to be squashed by the fruit,” and, “Aunt Spiker was much of the same / And deserves half of the blame.”

References to “female” characters have disappeared. Miss Trunchbull in Matilda, once a “most formidable female”, is now a “most formidable woman”.

Gender-neutral terms have been added in places – where Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’s Oompa Loompas were “small men”, they are now “small people”. The Cloud-Men in James and the Giant Peach have become Cloud-People.

Oh, and I think worst of all, the tractors in Fantastic Mr Fox are no longer "[i]black, murderous, brutal-looking monsters”[/i]. Yup, you guessed it! They are now merely "murderous brutal-looking monsters..."

No wonder Puffin haven't "immediately responded to requests for comment"

Now I know Roald Dahl was far from being an angel - he was anti-Semitic for one - but.. come on!!!

So, I need to ask, was anyone actually offended by any of Dahl's books (from an inclusive perpective), and if so, why? Truly I'd be interested to know!
val70 · 51-55
Yes, it's the "come on" that people in the library sector are saying... for the rest I can't say... anyone who thinks that rethinking the past via words is good, well, he or she has already a screw loose
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
This is an interesting topic, although I don’t like the tone of many of the responses in this thread. I would point out, though, that it is hardly a new issue. In the case of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, there were revisions 50 years ago to address the overtly racist depiction of the Oompa Loompas in the original version.

I think these this issue has to be addressed in a case by case basis. For this book I don’t think the revisions change the story in a harmful way—they permit it to continue being enjoyed by modern generations instead of being written off as embarrassing and out of date. It is important also to recognize that any revisions are being done at the request of his estate.
It is important also to recognize that any revisions are being done at the request of his estate.

I'll have to look into that, although I'm not so sure about that. You're right, I don't like a lot of the responses either. Also, I remember about the original oompa loompas being essentially "black slaves". So yes, that would be deeply offensive. And yet... are people truly offended by the language used (which, of course, is not unique to Dahl), or is this people jumping on the all-inclusive bandwagon (which I have NO problem with in theory)?
@Harmonium1923 just as the estate of Dr Suess opted to stop publishing some of his books. I'm not altogether sure these deceased authors would approve of how their estates handle their heritage.
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
And BTW, this is a different issue, but I wish there were a way to deal with some of what he wrote in places other than his children's books. He was not a pleasant guy.

"There is a trait in the Jewish character that does provoke animosity, maybe it’s a kind of lack of generosity towards non-Jews. I mean, there’s always a reason why anti-anything crops up anywhere; even a stinker like Hitler didn’t just pick on them for no reason. I mean, if you and I were in a line moving towards what we knew were gas chambers, I’d rather have a go at taking one of the guards with me; but they [the Jews] were always submissive." (from a 1983 interview in The New Statesman)
@Harmonium1923 Agreed. He was CERTAINLY no angel. And it's odd for a guy who I think worked on a kibbutz at one point.
Gemini43 · 80-89, M
Bloody nonsense! The woke brigade rewriting history. Seems according to some politicians, “her penis” is fine! What about “his vagina!” It’s the same bollocks! God help us, where is it all heading!

As for Dahl, it was his outrageousness which kids love. If anyone is offended, don’t read it, go Enid Blyton instead! Ooops, maybe not, she’s been woked too hasn’t she. Noddy and Big Ears in bed together😩 Don’t get me on JK Rowling!
@Gemini43 I have to agree here. I also agree with you on JK Rowling. I honestly don't think what she said was transphobic at all, she even said she fully supported trans rights!
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@SW-User She flat out said she doesn't want trans women using the ladies room because she was assaulted by a man once. What are we to infer from that? The guy wasn't even trans (or pretending to be).
gol979 · 41-45, M
Roald Dahl is so oldspeak.

Soon we will render thoughtcrime impossible Winston.
@gol979 hehe to be honest, I was just trying to think of a relevant quote 😜
gol979 · 41-45, M
@SW-User it is relevant. Theres a concerted movement by the bipedal pigs to wrestle more control over populations. A multifacted, coordinated attack
@gol979 If you say so.
Tamara68 · 56-60, F
The Dutch and French publishers have stated that they will not adjust Roald Dahl's texts and will stick to the original version.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Tamara68 Good. Fuck that revisionist shit.
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
@Tamara68 Good for them, but a translation can never be the 'original version anyway.
Tamara68 · 56-60, F
@onewithshoes not exactly. But 'ugly' will be translated as ugly and not as 'enormous'. The translation will be closer to the original as far as the meaning of words is concerned, than the woke version.
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
Im of the opinion that offence never killed anyone.
You should be able to offend AND be offended by anyone.You have the right to answer back of course,you cant just remove offence from society.
I have to buy myself as many of the books while I can. They are gonna be worth millions in 10 years time.
@Thewhazzupdude Good idea! Seeing the word "ugly" in a book, any book" could triple its value at least!
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Thewhazzupdude good idea......if you can avoid the thought police
revenant · F
@Thewhazzupdude good idea here
Axelerator · 26-30, M
I think hardly anyone was offended by his words, nor are they remotely a threat to anyone. Wokism will of course say that it's to protect the fragile minds of its subscribers, but in reality its to alter and control content of any kind.
Every single industry or form of entertainment is being corrupted and altered by it, even when no on is complaining. Its about control, not protection tbh.
Axelerator · 26-30, M
@SW-User The more you look into it, the more it blatabtly becomes about control. Also this has not always been happening at all. Sure people have tried to corrupt eachothers work, but this is a huge scale rewriting of any book, movie, show or other form of content. To ensure that they conform to this new ideology. Its affecting every industry with insane speed and effort. This push didn't even exist 20 years ago, and now it's the dominant force for controlling language. It's not a matter of opinion at all really.
Of course the closer you are to that ideology, the less you notice how insanely invasive it is.
@Axelerator Well, where is this control coming from then, when even the UK Prime Minister has rubbished this decision? I doubt Puffin and Roald Dahl are part of some sort of shady New World Order🙃
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@SW-User It's the Oompa-Loompas.
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
So we're not only loosing our freedom to choose our own words and speak our own minds in the present.
Now the marvelous gift that the invention of writing once gave us
-- the magical ability to see and almost hear the words of those who came before is -- is being taken from us. 😯
How sad for those who come after us.😯
Tamara68 · 56-60, F
That's horrific!
Gemini43 · 80-89, M
We live in a society where people decide what others will find offensive. They never actually ask those people if they are offended
@Gemini43 That has always been the case. Surely you remember the book-burnings of the past. Mostly by conservatives who were offended by topics they considered too "progressive".
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Yup, it's all fun and games when its something you don't care about personally, but suddenly they come for some art that you like? 🤨🙄

Now its gone to far....
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@SW-User Yes or Song of the South.
@SumKindaMunster *shudders*
Slade · 56-60, M
@SumKindaMunster I have been looking for a copy of "Song of the South" to use as the outgoing message on my VM
No...and I read one them to a class I taught.
Would probably be hauled over the coals now!
Tamara68 · 56-60, F
I can't imagine that Roald Dahl would approve of that. I also doubt that it is legal to do this. What about copy right?
@Tamara68 Philip Pulman, the author, has suggested simply letting books go out of print rather than rewriting them. I agree. Why change the essence of a book?
Tamara68 · 56-60, F
@SW-User I think Roald Dahl's books are worthy to be reprinted. If there is any content that is not acceptable for current standards, they could add a warning in the preface if need be. But changing the essence of a book makes no sense.
@Tamara68 Agreed, just like Disney do with their older films
meJess · F
When is Puffin going to rename itself, there are no seabirds employed there. Species appropriation!
revenant · F
Isn't that an infringement on intellectual property ?
@revenant Nope, because it's being done in partnership with the Roald Dahl Story Company who control the rights to the books.
revenant · F
@SW-User bunch of whores then.
I've always loved Dahl's books. It's a tragedy to lose or change even one word.
I am really divided on this topic. I loved the Roald Dahl books growing up and so did my kids. I did not ever think of them as derogatory or prejudiced. (I also loved Enid Blyton)

I understand updating the books to keep them relevant and so they do not offend persons but i am also a great believer in that literature is an example of our history. These books were written in a time when these phrases were acceptable and changing them is a bit like rewriting history.

Where do we stop? Do we rewrite shakespeares plays

I think we should not amend our books, a note from the estate at the front of the book explaining the time and the issues .... or having an original edition and a revised edition
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
Oh, we needn't wait.🙁
Thomas Bowdler already tried that with Shakespeare's plays back in 1807,
thereby giving his name to a practice that has been held in contempt by serious students of literature ever since.
Someone else posted about this, and one of our members provided this bit of actual information; apparently this didn’t just happen:
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
Self censorship…the best kind! Thanks woke mob!
Bunch of f’cking Twits
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@Stereoguy There is a time and a place for "wokeness" and this isn't it. Particularly as NO ONE IS OFFENDED!!!
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@canusernamebemyusername Exactly. We see the same thing happen with inoffensive language. We saw the word crapper become obscene and get replaced with toilet, which became obscene and got replaced with bathroom, which became obscene and got replaced with restroom, which got replaced with lavatory, and I believe is now called the facilities.
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