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Just reminiscing

When i was in the military i eventually got released from the dorms to live off base. Its more money in my pocket. Me and two of my buds (people i work with), rented a house and split the bill. I am white while they are black. Im from the P.N.W. they are from the Carolinas. Very different cultures but they we some of my best friends and brothers.

Im active duty while they are reserves, which is important because theres different rules especially with Tri-Care. I have Tri-Care the entire time im enlisted and they have it only while they are on orders. Even though they are full time reservist working the same job as me they aren't always on orders so that means their Healthcare is out of pocket.

Long story short my bud was going to miss a deployment unless he got his teeth fixed. Miss a deployment and be put on not deployable status and risk getting kicked out. For whatever reason he couldnt be put on orders so he had to pay out of pocket. It was 1000 something dollars for the bill or whatever.

I was just like yeah man let me write you a check it isnt a big deal just pay the electricity bill till we are even. And so that was that issue resolved. He later brought up how i didnt hesitate or have to ask me for money i just did it. Like he was taken aback or something. Really no skin off my teeth but he held me in high regards for that. I haven't seen my military friends since 2018 but i always think about them around the holidays.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
You're a good man Rokes.
Rokan · 31-35, M
@Longpatrol thanks mang
bear is a teddybear
Rokan · 31-35, M
@Bexsy who has a horse? You do!
@Rokan valid point
Rokan · 31-35, M
@Bexsy one of my neighbors had a horse fetish and it got him killed in the worst way so use good judgement.
Rokan · 31-35, M
@V00doo none of that!
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Keep enjoying life. Don't stop there.
Happy New Year 🕛🎊🕛🎊🕛
Rokan · 31-35, M
@Zonuss yeah man happy new years

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