Just a thoughtGoing to make suffed bell peppers later. Leave a recipe or ideas of what i should put in them and ill consider it.
Just a thoughtMy family really stresses me out. The manipulation game is off the charts. If i don't buy my property and let the estate sell it they get a bigger inheritance, and they think i don't know that. All the reasons they are giving me to sell. I'm so tired... See More »
Just a questionNeed to gather info from 20 people. Feel free to participate or not. Please follow the rubric for I need specific info. 1) Do you wear glasses? (be it for purpose or fashion) (All Glasses, Prescription, Reading, Sunglasses, etc...) (I only need... See More »
Just a thoughtIm suppose to record how i feel 3 times a day till my next session, but no ones pissed me off yet and the day is almost over..