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Too Soon? (Title too short)

Doesn't it seem like this "attack" on Trump is a little too perfect? The shooter is instantly killed, but Trump gets away with a minor "flesh wound" and has a chance to fist-bump while it's happening. For those of you who believe in "rigged elections," doesn't this seem like a "rigged shooting"?

And for those of you who assured us that the Sandy Hook shooting and the Parkland shooting were "crisis actors," how can you believe this shooting is different???
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@ElwoodBlues I know, right?
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@ElwoodBlues I honestly wouldn't doubt it, seeing some comments how everyone feels "sorry" for Trump made me gag. Partially because I feel like people just act kind because they feel they need to rather than actually feeling some sort of way which makes them fake. Nobody feels sorry for Trump except his base.
Elisbch · M
All in going to say about this whole situation is...

I'm disappointed 🤷

Not going to say about what, but I would venture to say and think there could be thousands or hundreds of thousands or maybe millions that could be feeling the exact same way.
Elisbch · M

I'm glad you replied! I wasn't clear enough with my post so after, I saw the misunderstanding I thought. I think I did that. 😔. I'm glad you thought this all through and I'm glad we both see the misunderstanding. I didn't want to offend or make you angry. I thought your post was fine the way it was. I just wasn't clear on my end. I hope this makes sense. ☺️🙏🏻.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Elisbch Well the original misunderstanding, I thought you were agreeing with me so I didn't think anything bad of it lol. But I'm glad to get it cleared up anyways, it's all good. I hope your day is well
Elisbch · M

Oh...I guess maybe i misunderstood your post altogether?
How were you meaning?
I really would like to know?
I'm glad to get it cleared up too and friendly... that's always nice.
I've had a good day and I hope you have too. 🙂
Allelse · 36-40, M
Bang5luts · M
Mike Tyson takes a bite out of crime!
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@LordShadowfire His collection of weapons was impressive. That's interesting though
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@SatanBurger I know, right? Him being the voice of the police mascot for kids, and having all that stuff.

I know it was just an acting role, but it still strikes me as funny.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@LordShadowfire I thought it was highly ironic and amusing at the same time given the name of the character lol. You know, I admire the sheer audacity of having a grenade launcher lol
Bang5luts · M
Not soon enough ffs probably would've saved his life
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Bang5luts 👀
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
That's perfect.

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