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So, while paying the bills this weekend

I opened something from Spectrum, which I'd usually just throw away because we don't use Spectrum but we get spam from them all the time. This one, though, said it was a bill. Like, an actual "give us money" bill.

They were charging me $150. Wha da fug? Looking at the service address, though, I see that it's for service to the apartment my mom lived in in an assisted living facility, in which she had Spectrum for her cable service.

The thing, though, is that my mom no longer lives there — or anywhere, as she died. In 2018. After which, I cancelled the service and turned in the equipment.

Talking with Spectrum was fun. First guy said this was for Internet service, which Mom never had. The second person had trouble grasping that I was calling in regard to service at a place my mother had not lived in nearly 6 years. And after a bit, she said it was all taken care of.

Uh-huh. We'll see.

How about you? Have you ever had any random wha da fug encounters with a service provider? Share your stories below.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
wouldn't be surprised either. but I kind of wonder if somebody at the assisted living facility used her personal information to get somebody a freebie.

best case scenario - some newbie at Spectrum just clicked on the wrong customer when they were setting up service - maybe the looked at the address and saw her account.

still smells like a halibut in the sunshine
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
@Pretzel Honestly, I'm sure it was just a mistake in the billing system. I'm surprised these things work as well as they do.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@DunningKruger especially when you think about the people they hire and the turnover!
Neoerectus · M
I have heard an increasing trend where assisted living places sneak in verbiage for relatives who sign to get nailed with bills.

They think it is just waivers, etc. to get the person in under their insurance, etc., but they insert other language.

Always read contracts before signing. I have held up closings, car purchases, etc. when I discovered unfriendly terms snuck in.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I was recently forced to switch to fiber optic wi-fi but then I got a notice that they were coming to install it. I emailed them that it had been installed and they could cancel the appointment. So they cancelled my wi-fi. So I had to go another week without any wi-fi until they could reinstall it.
Sure. I still get bills for my mom at her house even though she's been dead almost four years. I get notifications from insurance and at first I tried calling and saying she's passed but they still want to bug a dead lady I guess.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
hasn't happened to me yet but I suspect it was some identify theft of some sort.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
@Pretzel Really? I suspect that Spectrum was just throwing out things like this to see who would actually pay the bill so they could scam some money from the unsuspecting and inattentive. I suspect a lot of companies do that.
NinaTina · 26-30, F
I use spectrum but it could also be a scam. I got a bill from my phome cimpany saying i owed 75$ and i paid it then got another one two days later so i called them up and found out that was a fake bill and my phone company reimbursed me and went after the fakers
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
@NinaTina I would have suspected that if I hadn't called Spectrum and confirmed with them. A good thing to keep an eye out for, though.

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