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White House Faith office

In the most simple terms....

They will force faith in every institution.

As well, welfare tied to faith means if you are not Christian, you will be denied welfare of any sort.

Guys, this is a full blown coup.

The United States has been taken over and the Constitution no longer holds any meaning.

You want to have faith in judgments by lower courts but they are meaningless now. We will not save our country by lawsuits.

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sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
Did you read the text in the quoted image above? I don't have a problem with this.

There are two side to the first amendment with respect to religion.

1) The government cannot establish a state religion.

2) The government cannot restrict the free exercise of religion.

We have, for many decades, gone way too far on #1, well beyond what the Constitution requires. People today expect that they are supposed to be free from any exposure to religion and this is simply not the case.

A person of faith has every single right to discuss their faith in public as a person advocating for any other cause including BLM, Climate issues, or anything else. And if that advocacy is happening in a government forum, there should be nothing wrong with this.

Reading the text above (and this is the first time I'm hearing of this), this sounds simply like the pendulum swinging back where it should have been all along.

No government establishment of an official religion.

But no government infringement on the free exercise of religion.

sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@NerdyPotato Every single time a Christian legislator is accused of trying to legislate their morality, you are seeing anti-Christian bias.

When one adult murders another adult, we all agree is should be illegal and should be prosecuted and punished. This is a portion of everyone's moral compass that is nearly universal so no one says the legislator who believes this is trying to legislate morality. Right?

But when another legislator has an opinion based on their moral compass that is less popular, suddenly they are trying to legislate morality! 🙄
@sarabee1995 "This is a portion of everyone's moral compass that is nearly universal"

And that's not at all the case for abortion bans and mandatory bible readings in schools. It's judged differently because it's a different situation.
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WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
If it helps, us and the Canadians have some experience of dealing with the whitehouse. We’d be happy to help.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
What I don’t understand is the claim Christians are being persecuted in the USA.

Are they talking about how some people disagree with proselytization? Or how businesses are allowed to be open on sunday? Or how some people say “happy holidays”? If that is their idea of “persecution”, then they really need to pay more attention.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@JaggedLittlePill the pushback is what they are calling “anti christian”.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
@trollslayer "Persecution?". They're professional victims. My favorite past time when I must go into the city is to troll the street preachers.
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rhouse · 56-60, M
I stand by to save our country. I hope many more are.
Elessar · 26-30, M
I think I've seen a TV series centered around this theme
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
I can no longer tell if such things from the US are satire.
@ninalanyon they can be undone by a next president, IF he doesn't make true on his "you'll never have to vote again because we'll fix it so good, that won't be necessary anymore"...
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@ninalanyon honestly I don't know. These things are all supposed to be done in congress with legislation. None of this is supposed to be done by EO.

I can't explain what is happening. None of it is as it should be.
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
Just another means of controlling the people
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