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White House Faith office

In the most simple terms....

They will force faith in every institution.

As well, welfare tied to faith means if you are not Christian, you will be denied welfare of any sort.

Guys, this is a full blown coup.

The United States has been taken over and the Constitution no longer holds any meaning.

You want to have faith in judgments by lower courts but they are meaningless now. We will not save our country by lawsuits.

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sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
Did you read the text in the quoted image above? I don't have a problem with this.

There are two side to the first amendment with respect to religion.

1) The government cannot establish a state religion.

2) The government cannot restrict the free exercise of religion.

We have, for many decades, gone way too far on #1, well beyond what the Constitution requires. People today expect that they are supposed to be free from any exposure to religion and this is simply not the case.

A person of faith has every single right to discuss their faith in public as a person advocating for any other cause including BLM, Climate issues, or anything else. And if that advocacy is happening in a government forum, there should be nothing wrong with this.

Reading the text above (and this is the first time I'm hearing of this), this sounds simply like the pendulum swinging back where it should have been all along.

No government establishment of an official religion.

But no government infringement on the free exercise of religion.

@sarabee1995 that part of the order seems fine IF it is indeed to oversee and ensure no religious influences are involved in decision making by government institutions. However, this follows after comments about prosecuting pro-choice activists for "limiting Christians" in their belief that nobody else should have abortions either. Saying you don't want to be a Christian is now considered an attack on Christianity and they are trying to make that illegal. So I don't think this order is aimed at removing Christian influence from government institutions, but rather expanding it much, much further.
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sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@NerdyPotato NOTHING in our law or our constitution prohibits religious influence in government institutions. This is what I'm talking about on the pendulum having swung way too far over the last few decades.

In fact, the free exercise clause clearly guaranties that a person of faith SHOULD be able to rely on their personal beliefs in the fulfillment of their public duties.

Who is seeking to make saying you are not a Christian illegal? I've seen no such proposal anywhere.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@JaggedLittlePill Nothing in our law or in our Constitution calls for a "separation" of church and state. What is called for is two things:

1) The government cannot establish a state religion.

2) The government cannot restrict the free exercise of religion.

But for ages, anyone in a government role or in a government forum exercising their religious beliefs has somehow been told they cannot do that because it is a violation of the separation. THAT is ridiculous.
@sarabee1995 hmm, I can't find anything anymore about investigating pro-choice protestors. He does want to get rid of the FACE act though and bringing back "Christian values" has been a big theme in his campaign. Forcing bibles into public schools also been a thing in state level politics of the same party. His bibles to be precise. Removing Christianity from policies is definitely not the goal.
@sarabee1995 Helps to know and deal with actual facts
rhouse · 56-60, M
@sarabee1995 I don't want to disagree with your beliefs...but the idea of bringing religion into "fulfillment of public duties" is exactly what the founding fathers didn;t want. History probably isn't your strong suit but separation of church and state is expressly spoken of in the writings of our founding fathers. You would be offended and appalled if a muslim issued a marriage license for a man to take a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th wife because he was allowing his personal beliefs to influence his public duties.

Edit: Or allowing a father to offer his 10 y.o. daughter to another man to be wed in exchange for money or sheep or cattle or whatever.

Your only belief is that CHRISTIANS should be able to "rely on their personal beliefs in the fulfillment of their public duties."
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F

Trump pardoned 23 violent anti-abortion protestors who attacked and harrassed clients at abortion clinics.

.this is a portion of this article talking about his plans for this task force and why. He has created a false narrative surrounding anti-christian bias in government. He is adding in investigation of pro choice activists. Retaliation is his game.

Government and religion are separate for a reason. no one is being persecuted or prosecuted for their beliefs and faith.

All you have to do is listen to the man to know his goals and plans.



"An hour after calling for “unity” on Capitol Hill, though, Trump struck a more partisan tone at the second event across town, announcing that, in addition to the task force, he was forming a commission on religious liberty. He criticized the Biden administration for “persecution” of believers for prosecuting anti-abortion advocates.

And Trump took a victory lap over his administration’s early efforts to roll back diversity, equity and inclusion programs and to limit transgender participation in women’s sports."
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F

"The Trump administration has directed federal prosecutors to limit enforcement of a federal law safeguarding abortion centers, reproductive health centers and pregnancy resource centers, calling the Biden administration's previous use of longstanding protection "the prototypical example" of weaponization of the federal government. "
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F

Everything prohibits christian influence in our government.

A very big thing called Separation of church and state. And they have fought to put religion back in schools and changed text books in specific states to reflect reliious ideology around slavery and our history. And somehow there is anti-christian bias happening?! Give me break.

We are not all Christian and I don't have to live by Christian rules. This is why we fight over abortion. They don't have to stop being Christian and I don't have to be.

What has you confused about this?

And also....I would like to point out that Donald does not like true Christian behavior or influence...when confronted with it he lashes out.

JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F

He doesn't care. His goals are retaliation . Control.

And one more


sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@JaggedLittlePill I'm aware of and have spoken out (here and elsewhere) against presidential abuse of their pardon powers. We are in agreement on this.

But the "anti-Christian bias in government" is not a false narrative. It is real, it exists, and it is wrong. 🤷‍♀
@sarabee1995 can you name a few examples?
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@sarabee1995 Sara. There is no Anti-christian bias in government.

No one is preventing christians in government or otherwise, from practicing their faith. Those are the same people who call themselves Christians in government and leverage their christianity to justify bigtory ...and they would hang you or burn you at the stake, Sara. How long will you deny that fact? You fight for a country that would murder you given the chance.

Chritianity is for individual faith and not for legislating policy and law. Using your faith as a basis for making policy and doing the right thijgs is one thing. Using it to force citizens to live by the words of your faith is against Constitutional law.
Do you grasp separation of church and state at all? Do you grasp why it exists? For this very moment it exists.

I do not have to live by the faith of g those in office. They dont have to live by mine. They cannot prevent me from medical care based on their faith in God and their beliefs about medicine. Do you understand that? Or do you want to remain blissfully ignorant? How can you be this ignorant? You astound me and infuriate me. You who should know better and you have not spoke out about a damned thing, Sara. You continue to defend this bullshit administration. The bulllshit the GOP has unleashed.
You love to explain away bad behavior.

I don't have to keep myself from abortion because i don't believe in god and I understand science. If they don't believe abortion is right, They dont have to have one. They dont have to be gay either. They can live with the existence of gay peope. It will be ok. They wont die. They can live with the existence of others that don't follow their faith. No one is preventing Christians from taking office either.

Please tell me how Christians are being hurt in government. The poor, poor babies.

You have very misguided and messed up views that don't serve you or the people you love. Mainly your gay and trans friends. Will you watch when they are persecuted?

They just banned trans people from the military...said they do not exist.

. Remember when in 1994 Don't ask, Don't tell was a real policy? Didnt that last until 2011?! ....2011. I do. I REMEMBER.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
Christianity is for individual faith and not for legislating policy and law.
Every legislator has some moral compass through which they view the world and make decisions. When a legislator is a Christian and does this, he is accused of trying to legislate his/her faith. This is a problem. There is nothing wrong with ANYONE voting for or against things according to their personal moral compass. It's not "wrong" just because it is "Christian".

Do you grasp separation of church and state at all? Do you grasp why it exists?
Can you show me where it exists? What law it is based in? Please. And, yes, this is a serious question.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@NerdyPotato Every single time a Christian legislator is accused of trying to legislate their morality, you are seeing anti-Christian bias.

When one adult murders another adult, we all agree is should be illegal and should be prosecuted and punished. This is a portion of everyone's moral compass that is nearly universal so no one says the legislator who believes this is trying to legislate morality. Right?

But when another legislator has an opinion based on their moral compass that is less popular, suddenly they are trying to legislate morality! 🙄
@sarabee1995 "This is a portion of everyone's moral compass that is nearly universal"

And that's not at all the case for abortion bans and mandatory bible readings in schools. It's judged differently because it's a different situation.
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