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Talk to me I'm infuriated from what my husband did.

Read my previous post.

Is it wrong that I feel this way or should I fill up an application form and harden up?
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
No you're not wrong and honestly that interaction would poison me to that particular job. So the exact opposite of what he'd like.

Tell him to got fuck a cactus next time he tries if he's not willing to see you already have a plan sorted.
lost213 · 46-50, M
There is no point, in my mind, to work somewhere you don’t want to be. That just creates a bad environment for everyone. Plus it’s torture having to show up there everyday. You are not wrong for feeling the way you do. If he wants $$ so bad he can get a second job stacking groceries.
What were his reasons for doing it???

I don't mean the obvious "Well, you're in a job you don't like so I was trying to help you get another".

There's usually deeper reasons behind the most obvious one.
GunFinger · F
@HootyTheNightOwl don't know any reasons other than helping him with finance at home. Not that we're struggling.
@GunFinger I know that I tend to find that STBX has other reasons behind his actions when I push him to explain himself to me.

Like yesterday, for example, he's suddenly decided that I am going to Portsmouth Docks with him at some time in the future and he told me as much - no, he didn't ask me if I wanted to go. So I started to push.

He started rambling about the docks being a place for sailors and warships and how I can go watch them while he's doing some paperwork.

Apparently, the woman from the other couple who does this job gets the men whistling at her and he wants me to do the same thing.

The problem with that is that it's way out of character for him. He hates the idea of other men looking at me - hence why I have gone out of my way to look as unappealing as possible.

Something is telling me that I am still not at the bottom of this matter, though. I mean, he has no reason for such a drastic change in his demeanour after all this time.
He needs to Do Better
@SW-User Perfect username for moments like this, eh???
I’m guessing this isn’t the first time issues of control have surfaced. 🤔
GunFinger · F
@OlderSometimesWiser it doesn't happen all the time, but yes he likes controlling.
@GunFinger So then it goes deeper than what happened at the grocery store. Sounds like an issue you two need to work on because he doesn’t seem to be getting the message.
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
I don't know about your domestic financial situation GF. But I got your point.
eyeno · M
Though you've been married awhile, I do understand your reasoning as stated by you.

Miram · 31-35, F
He has obvious issues understanding boundaries. You're not a child.
Convivial · 26-30, F
He's in the wrong... He should have discussed it with you first
Coldplay · 61-69, M
It's wrong. In a number of ways. I can't even.....
Yes, he was wrong to not speak with you first.
GunFinger · F
@pripyatamusementpark I am ok I just don't like what he did today.
@GunFinger I'm sorry he did that to you
No, your feelings are very valid.
bhatjc · 46-50, M
Always good too vent.
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
Brb I'll go read it
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
If I did that to my wife. She would have smacked me one right in the kisser. She may be short, but she is a mighty tough fighter.

That's is totally disrespectful to you.

If he was dead set on asking. He should of just walked up to front desk and asked for an application to take home and kept it quite in public.
No. Id feel pretty humiliated tbh. I hate it when he speaks for me
GunFinger · F
@V00doo exactly what I told him. I'm so angry right now.
@GunFinger Breathe. Do what you need to do, but dont hold onto that anger. Put that energy back into doing whats needed for you x
GunFinger · F
@V00doo thank you.
tenente · 100+, M
totally normal to want autonomy and to be treated fairly. not normal to control someone in any situation. imo

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