What sort of coffee do you have? How many cups a day? I used to drink instant coffee way too much, I was seriously addicted to caffeine. I broke the addiction by switching to decaff coffee and going through a week of mild headaches. Once I'd gotten over the headaches my addiction was broken. Now I have a proper espresso machine and drink the real stuff but I only have 3 or 4 cups a day, I don't have that physical yearning that the addiction gives you. I went from quantity to quality.
Well, it seems that we are all responsible coffee consumers then. When I was addicted to caffeine I' be having cup after cup, easily more than 10 a day. BTW, iced coffee is full of sugar, apart from that I love it too but rarely have it.
About a half a cup with the rest water & coffee substitute...I have adrenal problems and am not really supposed to drink it but the coffee substitute has no kick like real coffee, a half-cup of real coffee☕ mixed with it has enough without causing problems.
markcaesar I am not a coffee drinker to be honest it is tea in my case and I drink it by the pint pot at home and at work so I could pretentually drink eight in a day
About a cup a day, sometimes more. I had cut it out completely, but I have such a hard time staying awake lately.