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Why is every social media site dying?

Poll - Total Votes: 18
Fed up
I like it
I log on - but don’t like it
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Are we all fed up with social media?
I think they’ve all turned into ways that people try to make money. Too much advertising, too much of “influencers” trying to sell things instead of everyone just trying to build a kind of community.
@Colonelmustardseed Additionally, people are using social media as a substitute for true relating. We're losing touch with ourselves, and so, each other.
Social media sites give the worst kinds of people equal presence. Intelligence as well as nicety gets lost in the mix.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@SW-User Very good points.
AdaXI · 41-45, T
I think a lot of the smaller social media sites started getting exploited with spam and various other problems and really couldn't keep up technology wise, make them safe anymore, or make any money. So rather than having countless smaller sites all catering for various little niches we've ended up with a handful of really big generic corporate sites...

That's not to say there isn't countless other reasons they don't appear to be as full of life as they once were but sites like Facebook, Twitter, Tic-Tok to name a few they probably mop up bigger user numbers now than they ever have and people generally just flip flop between them kinda sites so you don't really get community based social media sites anymore.

I mean it's a big question as how people even use social media has changed so much over the last decade. Like we've moved from login in with PCs and laptops typing 80 words a minute to using tiny smartphones where people login type a couple of brief comments and log back out again in between doing other things, so they're not always as engaged as they were when it was all new and exciting.
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
probably due to the rise of AI, bots and fake profiles.
Ontheroad · M
I think people have come to realize there is more to life than being online, and some, or many had expectations of what social media would do for them... something it never could.
Samek · 36-40, M
Because it got morphed into a machine that generates wealth based off of humanities worse attributes.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
It's election season and many places are flooded with garbage it turns people off.

The art of discussion has been lost to trolls and the endlessly repetitive "agree to terms and conditions that we choose to chop and change almost any time you log in..."

Add to all that now having to watch two ads before you get to your YouTube videos of choice and i suspect folk just give up
Morvoren · F
To political, too fake, too repetitive.
Selah ·
Algorithmic manipulation
Panamared · 70-79, M
Too much politics
Social media isn't bad by definition. But focusing on ad revenue or creating echo chambers instead of what users are looking for doesn't seem to be working in the long run.
RedBaron · M
It may be changing and evolving for better or worse, but it’s not dying by any stretch.
Sapio · 51-55, M
It's a lot less stimulating than it was in the beginning.
Disguised · 56-60, M
Tbh... It's not always very social...
Rudboy41 · 41-45, M
Q: Why is every social media site dying?

A: i could sum it up in 3 words: Greed, anger/hate, ignorance.

From a information sharing perspective, social media sites are often just echo chambers for quackery, sharing rubbish or each user just putting another shade of lipstck on the same pig.

And its the big data concept that also has ruined the party for everyone, its the reason you see so much intrusive advertising etc, because your scribbles and data was "mined" by the site like bitcoin and traded.

Then of course one has to mention AI that is f*cking it up everyone on the datesites, nothing but greed has lead those sites to employ bots to give attention to user profiles in order to entice the user to pay for a subscription and make sales
scorpiolovedeep · 46-50, M
I keep my sanity by not having several so called popular apps.

I refuse to be influenced by garbage which affects our time, energy and well being.
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
Because they keep adding more and more advertising until you can no longer go there. They kill themselves off for money.
I think it may be happening more, maybe because people are waking up. That's what's happening with me, anyway.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Not everything last for ever. What site is shutting down now
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Was never into it

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