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Which one of your alter egos is your favourite one?

I sometimes like when I've truly had enough and I go fucking psycho on someone who has hurt me. All my truth comes out. Unfiltered. And it's funny.

It's the part of me that's like my dad. I will rip someone apart so cleverly they're laughing and crying. I finish it so thoroughly, I empty them from my life completely.

Afterwards is a sort of giggly blissful feeling.
@SW-User haha I can imagine people cowering with that wrath.
@thinkingoutloud I learned you gotta be the crazier one if you want to make it in a world of crazy people.
AbbySvenz · F
I don’t like any of them.

Well we don’t like you, either
@AbbySvenz well I enjoyed that.
The badda boom badda bang one ...when I feel truly indifferent to someones bullshit and I turn all Judge Judy on them
Ferric67 · M
@SW-User judge Judy should always be your Halloween costume
@Ferric67 I want to be her when I grow up
Ferric67 · M
@SW-User she's a surrogate court judge out of Brooklyn
You get my vote to be her
ElRengo · 70-79, M
A character I play in the tales for my grandkids.
A kind of distracted wizard that gets unexpected / unwanted / funny results with his "magic".
@ElRengo I bet they love it!
ElRengo · 70-79, M
It´s their favorite!
Him and his pet, a locuatious crow.
NerdySoph · 26-30, F
Hmm, cant think of any. Takes too much energy and time to have one.
@NerdySoph We all have alter egos. Perhaps not as extreme as psychology defines it but at some level we do.
Like the nerdy in your Id is some kind of an alter ego compared to say a different kind of Soph you might be elsewhere.
NerdySoph · 26-30, F
@thinkingoutloud I do have a side that i am constantly ashamed of .. if that can be counted as alter ego.
I call it my dark side because i dont like it, but it's there.
@NerdySoph aww. Some day I hope you find love for her. That is all she wants.
But yes she can be counted as an alter ego. Or archetype. Or shadow sides when you reject it.
Where I'm whimsical, serious, romantic, and otherwise just a man on the block, or flock, giving compassion. I like him the best, but he only comes out at times, and the one I'm left with feeling depressed, lonely at times is just not jiving with self-manifestation well enough to say he's my favourite. 🤭
@thinkingoutloud I love this question. With a healthy dose of realism, place myself into living a life where I'm not as stressed, but just enough to allow me to remember and feel, where I can just be whom I want to be for people I love? If I can remember depth, humour, love and see the other person as just them, then I know I'm close. I don't always want the whimsical one, either. 😉 It's long and complicated, lol, yet so simple.
@thewindupbirdchronicles well. I'm rooting for you to figure it out and hopefully get the balance you want.
@thinkingoutloud It's coming. Have a few changes coming in my life soon (I just don't know when still), that essentially force my hand and I'm finding my way, thank you.
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
My loud obnoxious party animal / crossdressing side

That side of me is the most fun to hang with

I will even go on a stage at a comedy club on do some stand-up comedy.

I'm a wild and crazy guy and my personality is just is wild. Just ask my wife
@HumanEarth that sounds like a lot of fun. Lol.
Batman or Spiderman
Because you know, the costume and the gadgets

Fighting crime and helping people is a perk
@thinkingoutloud some call me a vigilante, taking justice into my own hands.

I just like wearing spandex 🤷
@Ghostinthemachine oh I see. That worked out quite well for you then. 😂
Also right at home here.
@thinkingoutloud win-win-win
Borderline Personality Disorder here. I only have one switch and it is the very worst parts of me.

So I would say my baseline is my favorite
@SW-User what do you do to manage it?
@thinkingoutloud very poorly.
All jokes aside, I take three mood stabilizers.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
I'd have to say it's Goose! But like before he died... He gets to ride in back, sight see, take pictures and go home to Meg Ryan. Don't think it gets any better than that really!

I tried very hard all my life to make people, parents, friends to like me. They never got satisfied. So just love yourself more.
@littlepuppywantanewlife yes. You are right
teachmetiger210503 · 36-40, M
I go crazy laugh all troubles off when things gets too much. I love this crazy of mine cause I can see without prejudice.
@teachmetiger210503 that is great!
popmol · 26-30, M
original one, it was supposed to the only one, also its the one in the way
@popmol how can it stop getting in the way?
popmol · 26-30, M
@thinkingoutloud its best that it didn't. if not my negative one would win and i'd either hurt myself or others :p
awhitedot · 46-50, M
I’m partial to the really cool sexy one that is smart and funny. Sadly I seem to have lost him.
@awhitedot just call out to him. You might have to dig him up a little under the rubble but he will come.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
The 'Excuse me I'd like to speak to your supervisor.' one.
@Starcrossed lol. Oops.
Umile · 41-45, F
The feisty one.

It gets stuff done and people start to listen..
@Umile interesting
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
@FreestyleArt that's okay. Maybe you like them all?
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
@thinkingoutloud I just follow the holy Spirits instincts.

I rather not know or to assume in a first appearance or whatever it may be.
@FreestyleArt I likey
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
Business Hurl is fierce and focused.
@MyNameIsHurl interesting. It's hard to picture that because of your image but wow.
AccursedAlexander3 · 31-35, M
@thinkingoutloud wouldn’t you like to no.
Raaii · 22-25, F
@Raaii Yes?👀
@V00doo Mariah Carey?
You have a singer side of you?
@thinkingoutloud No, I love Christmas

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