Sounds a bit fishy to me, i betta youre just herring things.
@OogieBoogie Ok, you made me do a gigglesnort you win.
OogieBoogie · F
@MrBlueGuy 😂...a gigglesnort....🤣
Lotsofberries · 26-30, F
SpudMuffin · 61-69, M
I cod have guessed that was coming.
IamBack · 31-35, M
I’m on the bus and everyone is tunA in at 99.9 FM 😌
AllycatAD · 26-30
I’ll see if I can carp one up.
OzDiver · 61-69, M
I'd flounder trying to think of one.
SaorUladh · 26-30, M
Please. This isn't the time or the plaice.
anythingoes477 · M
On a scale of 1 to 10 your pun was a 2.
AllycatAD · 26-30
I saw a bass playing a Bass
saragoodtimes · F
so many have puns, guess it's no fluke
Stop, you're giving me a haddock 🤕