I love humorLast night for the first time I watched the movie "down periscope" from start to finish. Before that it was here and there, all the suggestive togue and cheek humor got me laughing pretty good. The radio operator got me laughing the most
something to shareWhen I was young, as a kid before I was 13 my mom once used the intro of this song to get me out of bed. She put headphones on my head, turned up the volume and played it, to me the intro is the ultimate alarm chime. Also, I became a Pink Floyd... See More » (1)
I love humorI was in a chat room by myself this one time. The room was a beach, island theme on IMVU A guy comes in says, "how about we have cybersex right here and now?": I said, "sure, if you can tell me what the Magnus effect is without googling it" I know... See More »
video gamesanyone here ever play Rock band, guitar solo? or perhaps Rocksmith (which really not a game)
I love musicSkullflower is a fictious band in a Netflix movie Metal Lords, I've watched the movie a few times, this is the song they play at battle of the bands in the movie (1)