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Words and actions

I've had a random thought today.

People are always quick to claim that actions speak louder than words, but at the same time, they believe words quite easily too.

And once you've spoken them (or they've heared it from someone), they start to form an idea about you that matches those words. They start to look for signs that proof them.

Ultimately, a lot of people start to put up blinds towards your actions if they don't match the idea they've formed of you.

We are but fragments of illusions formed by others, and a mixture of wishes we want to portray.

Who we really are, is merely a choice of who we want to be that day. And yet, others might not even see you in that way.
dale74 · M
Another important thing of actions and words dont care what others think they are just upset you are the better person. Another person who is of similar Character just appreciates more people being thoughtful and kind and does not get jealous or speak ill of you.
kimmy159 · F
@dale74 My boss has had the same bookkeeper for over 15 years. My predecessor has been trying to get them fired for years because they're really not adequate. I joined the company in January and made the situation blow up (but also was the one to step in to solve it) because we really need to change agencies and stop losing money.
My colleague was thrilled when she heared we were changing agencies and she was like: "I bet you have something to do with it."

It's all good, until she'll make a wrong connection that isn't there 😶 Or starts to assume I will be able to influence our boss in other ways. It's about time for her to get a new company car and I'm stuck in the middle of them as being in charge of finance & fleet. Their expectations don't match eachother's and they both expect me to do the communication on their behalf 😒
dale74 · M
@kimmy159 What does the company look to procure what does employee a want
kimmy159 · F
@dale74 Accountancy rules in Belgium are complicated, basically my boss only wants to purchase cars that are max deductable from taxes and with the highest re-sale value. In his mind, that is only Tesla at the moment. But not everyone likes Tesla (I don't either and I also have to choose a car). We're more fond of Volvo's or BMW's, the Volkswagen ID4 etc.
His alternative is a much cheaper Kia car he wants to give us but we don't agree to downsize just because he isn't getting his way 🤷‍♀️
dale74 · M
I can tell you treating people with kindness is a wonderful feeling. Now those can be kind words or actions. Saying have a nice day is nice, giving someone a blanket is also nice what will someone remember most the words you spoke or the actions of giving a blanket.
kimmy159 · F
@dale74 Of course that is true as well ^^ I will always try to have my actions speak louder than my words. But what I'm sharing today, is something I've noticed happening as well. Sometimes people their beliefs are so strongly based on what they want to believe.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about anything major. I just noticed that people sometimes treat you differently depending on what you said or revealed or suddenly interpret situations in a whole other light because they think about those words.

I find it very interesting to think about.
Convivial · 26-30, F
People change daily... The You that wakes up each morning is a new person every day... An amalgam of the old overlaid with each need experience ...
kimmy159 · F
@Convivial Beautifully said ^^
Convivial · 26-30, F
@kimmy159 thanks... It just happens to be true. Too
Mirkwood · 36-40, M
I like this thinking, it reminds me of one of my favorite books by blaise pascal - penses.
He wrote many thoughts he had like this
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
Actions tell who you are.
Words tell who you want to be.
"Actions speaks louder than words", because actions change the reality, words don't.

The idea is, at least you should be happy with your actions. By closing their eyes, they can't change the reality.

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